Make sure to research expected pay in your desired target countries. I was shocked when I saw the difference between compsci job salaries in the US and Italy. Can adjust for cost of living differences but it was still a significant decrease. Would be good to be aware ahead of time and not surprised if you’re not happy with the salaries presented.
Could you forward your X display in an SSH session so you don’t need a webui? I second the vote for handbrake, it’s a great program!
I haven’t used it in a while, but when I did I used it sort of as an idea / vision board. For instance, when remodeling the kitchen I created a board where I just pinned a ton of kitchen pictures that had things I liked. Sort of a way to group images together based on themes.
Mickey and Mallory Knox
Lucy has beautiful eyes!
“Filthy Rats!”
I definitely judge a restaurant by the viscosity of its ranch dressing. I used to work in a diner where they’d thin the ranch down with milk to save money. It was horrible!
Seems “bigger than a breadbox” used to be a common saying? I’ve never heard it before, but Google’s giving me some clues with that phrase anyway.
Yup, closer to downtown further away from UofR, closer to Ford St Bridge it gets very hilly
That’s Mt Hope Cemetery in Rochester, NY if anyone’s interested. Really cool cemetery to walk through!
Sprance, duh!
Renting a gas powered vehicle could be an option for the two times a year needed.
I bought a PHEV back in June (Ford Escape), have driven 1500 miles since and have yet to add any gas. For most daily trips the battery gets me there and back without using any gas. I love it and am excited for full EV for my next vehicle.
Bread baker here. I always freeze loaves that I bake but will not be able to consume before they’d go bad sitting on the counter. After removal from the freezer and defrosting just by sitting out on the counter, I find no difference between the frozen loaves and not frozen. It’s a great way to preserve bread for future consumption if you’re making multiple loaves at once.
Fido of Barkia