You’re not worth my time.
You’re not worth my time.
It’s an interesting argument, but I still feel it’s in bad faith. You can’t cite the UN’s office of the high commissioner for human rights, when my argument is that the UN is pushing an agenda. I mean, just look at the title of that office. Surely you see how self-important they think themselves.
The 933% increase is an interesting statistic, but I was hoping you could explain what the axis is there. I genuinely don’t understand. Regardless though, have you looked at the countries that the US currently has sanctions concerning? I’m sure there are a few you might disagree with, but can you really say that we shouldn’t be limiting the resources given to most of those governments? Maybe there is a better way, but the world is most likely a better place with them, than without. I know that’s just a guess on my part, but the fact of the matter is that with dictatorial governments, citizen quality of life goes down with government resources (can’t find my source online, but I know what book it’s in. I’ll grab it tomorrow). This is the best I can find now, how the Venezuelan government is using it’s resources to keep humanitarian aid from political dissidents.
When you mention the US’s actions in the 60s, you have to realize that was a lifetime ago. We did not have the technology nor interconnectedness we have now. I’m not saying what the US did in South America was right, but I’m sure to the policy makers, it seemed right, and the damage was only perceived later. Things are not perfect now either, but I hope you agree, better the US making mistakes than a Ceaușescu.
Finally, why are you bringing up the IMF, that’s another UN agency. We can agree that the UN doesn’t actually have anyone’s well being as their top priority.
Then I ask again, what was the point of this vote?
If you think your people didn’t do the same to whoever was there before them, I don’t know what to tell you. It’s fun to be a victim though, right?
Lucky for you, I think I’m done now. No one’s gonna make you use that paper weight you call your head.
Because saying that people need food doesn’t magically put it in their mouths. It’s nice that you believe a UN resolution would though.
How would you split it? Just fuck the natural disaster victims, right?
You’ve really proven your intellect with this one.
Right, but you can’t have it both ways. Are countries better off of their agriculture is dictated, or not? Why is it the responsibility of the US?
Fair, I shouldn’t have speculated like that. However, my argument is that the whole vote was a charade. If China knew the US was going to veto this, then their vote is meaningless.
You know full well that they had no idea what damage they were doing to the ecosystem. If you’re going to argue, do it in good faith.
Then what’s the point? Why even have this vote? Could it be that they’re trying to signal how virtuous they are?
This is what children do, they look for a boogie man and demonize them without evidence.
You have no idea what you’re talking about.
I’m sure China would abide by this if it passed. This is definitely not a bad faith argument.
Take a look at what uralsolo had to say. The US is starving the world by forcing them to grow certain crops. And you say the US is starving the world by not trading with them. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.
The solipsism is sounding here. The world was not always as it is now. Conquest was the way the world worked for a very long time. You think these people had any concept of the damage they were doing? All you have to do is take the one extra conceptual step. Don’t be so lazy.
If they had, why isn’t the world completely fed? Surely if every other country donated half their GDP, then the world is solved.
Developmental aid is not humanitarian aid. Maybe learn, instead of googling for facts that support your position, then trying to pass them off as your own ideas. Have you ever read a book?
History has context, leave your bubble just for a second and try to be more than a parrot. I wish you could see the absurdity of mentioning China’s nation building efforts, then citing this article at me. You’re clearly a stooge. Congratulations.
Lol, good comeback. The world is doomed with thought zombies like you walking around.
Then why the hell is the US the largest contributor of global humanitarian aid? They’re not just evil right? They’re even bad at being evil.
Your life must be so simple. Never had to form a complex thought, eh?
Stick your head in the sand just a little deeper and maybe you can shut out rational thought completely.
I refer to #3, why don’t they just do it then?
I didn’t say per capita. You love that oil money don’t you?
Yes, the US is purposely starving the world.
You’re lying to yourself and everyone else. Stop being a bad person.
So are you are you violent and unstable or not? I’m getting mixed messages here.
You may never know just how truly insignificant you are. But don’t worry, I do.