Dems gross incompetence is the exact reason they can’t get enough votes to win what should have been the easiest election of all of our lifetimes
Dems gross incompetence is the exact reason they can’t get enough votes to win what should have been the easiest election of all of our lifetimes
Also known as aspiring nahtCs
Good luck flipping the primaries to be able to do so. If Elon really did rig election machines, dems will never win again
Delete Twitter. Stop feeding musk rat
Who won the popular vote in 2016?
I’d discuss the primaries of the past handful of elections with you if you were arguing in good faith, but you are not.
The majority does not decide us elections. The electoral college does and you can win without a majority vote of the population. And treating 74 million people like it’s their fault when they tried is the exact point I’m arguing. The dnc habitually forces their candidate on the base. Progressives don’t want to be force fed a status quo establishment figurehead that won’t change anything. The dnc should do better and they’d win by a landslide every time. Until then, it’s gonna be close calls every time and when they win presidency they won’t have enough in congress to pass shit
There is a growing number of states that have banned ranked choice, even on the city level. Many of these same states prohibit voter led ballot initiatives. In case you were wondering, their state reps are stacked primarily on one side of the aisle. What’s your solution to overcoming that?
Interesting you left roughly 60 million voters out of your comment that did NOT choose this.
We don’t live in a democracy and good leadership is not telling your whole team that they can get fucked because half of them made a bad decision.
What were they supposed to do without enough votes to pass policy? That doesn’t excuse them from not taking the gloves off and being very vocal about the roadblocks.
Gaza, while an issue is not moving the needle for the majority of voters.
Sounds like terrible leadership
False. The democrats ran a terrible campaign. Biden refused to step down, until it was too late to primary. They forced a candidate upon the country without a democratic process. Their campaign had terrible messaging and was tone deaf to the real situation the working class faces. They were unable to convince millions of voters that showed out for them last time to show up again. The democrats are more concerned with protecting their donors than they are protecting the working class and winning. Until you and everyone else oblivious can come to grips with this, nothing will change.
And before you say anything stupid, I voted for her.
It’s not over unless you’re ready to roll over and accept it. You tried voting for the lesser of two evils. It didn’t work. You’ve tried yelling at people online. It didn’t work. What are you going to do next?
You think the way you act is going to bring about any change or influence someone to change their mind. You are delirious. Keyboard warrior going to scare people online into voting the way you want, while preaching for people to lead the change they want to see. It’s pathetic. Prime example of the infighting that keeps progressives from getting a real majority in anything.
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If every third party vote had gone to kamala she would have still lost substantially. The dems shitty campaign, not allowing a democratic primary (repeatedly) and tone deaf policies/messaging is what caused them to lose the easiest election ever. Full stop. They’re not going to ever change. Thinking grassroots will take over the party shows you aren’t paying attention. Thinking ranked choice voting will swoop in and save the day shows you aren’t paying attention.
The dems had their chance with a slam sunk opportunity. They fucked it all up and handed the keys to a fascist that may never give them back. The dem establishment would rather lose than fuck with their own pocket books or fight for the actual working class.
Keep voting for the lesser of two evils, they’ll totally stop being evil one day!
eVeRy tHird pArTY sUpPorTer iS a bOt
We need a much simpler, more insulting term to use to drive the message home with smooth brains