No, it does step towards a circular European Economy. If you actually read into the proposed legislature instead of just assuming what it says based on the headline you would see that. Point two the added requirements of staff and logistics = things are more exponentially more expensive is a false dichotomy perpetuated by American corporate interest in order to demoralise and discourage competition, thus increasing their market share and their stranglehold on retail as a whole. Point three, you emphasise that the store upcharges you for convenience and then change the argument to be in order to pay people a fair wage. A wage which amazon does not. Notice how you subconsciously demonise the intention of the local retailer? Even though amazon is literally the reason for the accelerated global warming. I would argue the increase in price is directly caused by the decrease in traffic created by amazon and global online retail as a whole. I would further add to the point that reputable companies line Sony, or Bosch. Still charge as much, if not more to sell through amazon. Many producers of high quality electronics just do not use amazon anymore, because their return policy has always been detrimental to producers of quality goods, immediately taking the proceeds of the sale from the store with no evidence to support the customer claims and making it prohibitively costly to do business on the platform and make products that are not complete garbage.
Counterargument, removing the “cheap alternative” will 1) Drive additional traffic to stores, allowing people to shop locally again and re level the playing field in terms of competitive pricing. 2) Allow more retail businesses to open up and meet newly available niche requirements created by the absence of these retailers. 3) Create a whole new argument for the increase of income to a liveable minimum wage, benefiting literally everybody but the 1% We have been conditioned go think that things are the way they are and they can’t change. It is complete nonsense, it is a lie perpetuate by the middle class, who are owned by our corporate masters. We do not need these, we do not need their products and we can all achieve an improved level of personal wealth through the removal of them and their monopolistic hoarding of capital through tax evasion and political corruption. Google’s parent company Alphabet, valued at over a trillion Dollars, Amazon valued at 2.4 trillion, Apple at 3.6 Trillion. 2781 inidividauls with a combined networth of over 3.6 trillion dollars between them. The entire global gdp is 13.6 Trillion dollars. Norway’s entire store of wealth, largest in Europe, sits at 1.6 Trillion euro. With all due respect my friend, stop looking at this so myopically as to look at your comfort in existing as another person’s slave and wake up to where all the wealth has gone. We have all been lied to.
I block everything Meta so I don’t know what that is, but why would you link to centralised social media from the fediverse. We come here to avoid the tracking.