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Joined 28 days ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2025

  • Modern Russia’s elite and government are about as Marxist as a billionaire cosplaying as a factory worker for a photo op. Marxism is about the abolition of class hierarchies, worker control of production, and a stateless, moneyless society. Putin’s Russia? It’s an oligarch-run, state-capitalist machine where wealth and power are concentrated in the hands of a few, and the state operates more like a mafia than a workers’ paradise.

    Instead of “dictatorship of the proletariat,” they’ve got a dictatorship of the oil tycoons and ex-KGB buddies. Instead of “seizing the means of production,” they privatized them into the hands of a few ultra-rich insiders. It’s not Marxism—it’s authoritarian crony capitalism wrapped in Soviet nostalgia.

    as for the PRC, thats simply a similar version of state controlled capitalism, not “traditional communism” its just rebranding. nothing like what marx describes in action, unless this would be considered the necessary evil portion of the grand master plan by the powers that be, to honour a dead author and create a post scarcity communist utopia.well… i find that hard to believe, but if the people under it believe in it, i guess thats enough for them to keep the gravy train on its tracks a bit longer.

  • wonder if rapey mc rapist and techno nazi along with their gaggle of dip shit losers invested in poultry and eggs before this.

    i mean its not uncommon for rich assholes and their corporate entities to heavily invest in things they know are about skyrocket in price or short smaller out circle businesses they know wont make it if the market craches, especially if they get to control the “soft landing”

    even during a recession its possible to make a pyramid sized pile of cash if you bet on the right failure, even more so if you can fix the bet in the first place by forcing its price down.

    they literally made a whole movie about this about the 2008 financial crisis.

    you may not see it on paper right now, but that doesnt mean corpos arent sifting cash into secret accounts, either directly or on their behalf.

  • so by the definition of true communism, they arent adhering to the marxist definition of communism, its merely a show of democracy controlled by an oligarchy with a single party system in the case of russia.

    i dont think any monetary economic system can work long term in balance with human needs and the need of the planet to sustain us. its just not possible when there is an imaginary incentive in the form of value in 1’s and 0’s or paper, that alters our actions based on accumulation of wealth for the individual and their “tribe”, and whatever form that may take. family, friends, companies, shareholders, class, nation etc etc.

    unfortunately its hard to draw a line between automated post monetary, post scarcity, post political, post religion, and a science/ fact/resource based economy/utopia, similar to the venus project, and a technofascist authoritarian state, which is seemingly where we are heading now with how AI is being used by the powers that be.

    human error and our limited willingness to understand the needs of the many in the future, vs the needs of the few now will always be a buffer that keeps us behind in terms of societaly advancement in the form of full economic freedom and change, for the betterment of man, and the planet, in harmony.

    the only way to advance past that is either to manipulate the genome of humans, or to merge with machines and AI so that our decisions are based on scientific merit and logic towards a value of united progress, over individual success. essentially we would have to sacrifice what makes us human, so humanity could survive in an alternate form. or become some sort of digital hive mind. or some other weird and horrifying scifi trope that i hope i never live long enough to see.

    im not advocating for this, im just saying this is where the world is likely moving if we dont blow ourselves up first or wipe the slate in some way.

    feel free to disagree, i love having these kinds of discussions.

  • i understand your point, however.

    theres nothing speculative about questioning a sources validity when its well know the source is partially responsible for things like BREXIT which weakened the UK, the EU, and NATO. all things that make someone like putin, crack a corner of the mouth smile. and how it has a conservative right leaning bias, opposing anything liberal minded people may believe in regardless of whether or not their counter point is even remotely true or beneficial to post for the average reader.

    its also known to spread sensationalist, and innaccurate news, consistently. its always been a controversial news source. and a laughing stock of journalism.

    hence my skeptisizm, but i digress.

    daily news blows. thats my point. i dont trust them to report quality, fact based news.

  • im not a “gringo” but go off on telling us how you view the world through a racial lense.

    also. im not american. my country has a much higher value on public education, and its a much higher quality on average compared to the US and all other G7 nations. and we actively teach critical thinking in our curriculum for this exact reason. to avoid fear based actions, and to not fall victim to bad sources, or at least severely reduce the chances, people are people.

    trump has been a POS loser since at least the 60’s, elon has been a silver spoon fed dip shit his entire life who just had enough capital to buy other peoples ideas.

    ive disliked elon since he attained billionaire status, and ive never like trump. he was always a creep and a failure of a human being.

    feel free to tell me im wrong, but lets leave race out of the discourse, okay buddy? it doesnt serve your point. unless thats your only point?