Rarely have I meet people who can read hard theory after a long day of work, even comrades. Expecting the general membership of the working class to won’t get one anywhere, and we have to meet them where they are and not where we wish for them to be. In this case, you will have an easier time reaching people who have engaged in similar media, even if you’re nitpicking it. It pays to be aware how things can be said, such as “With great power, comes great responsibility.” On the one hand, someone could look at this line and argue for Imperial intervention abroad is an obligation of every superpower. On the other, if you point out Billionaires could end starvation but don’t, this line will resonate with a lot of people that the capitalist have failed to be responsible with their wealth and power. Allegory has always been historically powerful to talk about sensitive topics people otherwise wouldn’t talk about, it is not a bad communication tool to have and utilize. Meet the working class around you where they are. If they are not reading dry theory, do not expect to meet them at that point. Chances are, they are engaging in alot of entertainment to distract them from poor material conditions, so you will have an easier time building class consciousness and unity through that shared entertainment.
Comicfury is alright for indie mirroring, spiderforest is a good collective i personally enjoy, but a comic’s own website is usually the best.