The Thaumaturge and Clair Obscur both look pretty weird
The Thaumaturge and Clair Obscur both look pretty weird
I’m playing it on PC. It runs fine and I’m having fun. When do I get my shock?
Seriously, this company doesn’t cater Return Of Jim? One star.
Last summer there were a bunch of stories reporting findings that companies that experimented with a 4-day work week saw productivity gains over the traditional 5-day, so this billionaire’s opinion sounds out of alignment with reality
If you decide to try moka pot, check out This guy’s channel for in-depth tips. He’s really into moka pot.
Seriously, cold water feels fine back there. Refreshing, even.
Ah yes, the era of US box art so ugly the mind reeled wondering how it ever got approved. Look at the US and JP cover art for Mega Man for one of the most iconic examples in a target-rich environment.
This is my favorite episode thanks to the “fire in a SeaParks” subplot
I’ve had a similar journey recently. Used to assume it wouldn’t be good, found out it is, and now I get to enjoy more of my favorite beverage!
As an owner of every PlayStation console since the PS1, I am unhappy with the selection of PS5 games this late in the lifespan of the console. So unhappy that for the first time ever, I consider it unlikely that I will want to buy the next generation console. I’ve played more new releases on my Steam Deck since its release than I have on the PS5 since its release. And that’s coming from someone with a full-time job and a family. I count myself lucky if I can play an hour a day, and the PS5’s game release schedule was too sparse for me.
Nah, it’s a legit good and demanding game
This lines up with my own takes on Windows versions. I think 8 was better than people give it credit for. I never minded the UI personally, and it was fast and responsive.
formidable years
I think you meant “formative”.
Abusing themselves at the thought of abusing them, more like
No we are not. Our “representatives” listen to their corporate masters, the ones who line their pockets and fund their campaigns. They don’t listen to us.
The thing about Arsenal is, they always try to walk it in
That’s perfect, because LLMs are incompetent, too!
More. MORE!