I don’t think they were suggesting that the therapist was reinforcing any of this, just that the therapist was horrified by what they went through.
I don’t think they were suggesting that the therapist was reinforcing any of this, just that the therapist was horrified by what they went through.
I’m directing my criticism specifically on the technological advancement which is devoid of communal spirit, not on all technological advancement categorically.
Crediting human achievement to technological advancement is a mistake in my opinion. Technological advancement is not inherently good or bad. Communal spirit is what determines whether technology yields positive or negative outcomes. That’s the real ingredient behind everything humans have achieved throughout history.
Sadly techno-optimism has become a prevailing mindset in today’s world where people and institutions don’t want to take responsibility for the consequences of their actions because of belief that as-yet-unknown technological advancement will bail us out in the future, even when there’s no evidence that it will even be physically possible.
But what I said is that your view is a sad one, not an incorrect one. The truth is, technological advancement may truly end up being the defining characteristic of humanity. After all, when we think about extinct species, we tend to associate them most strongly with what made them extinct. Just as we associate the dinosaurs most strongly with a meteor, maybe an outside observer will some day associate humanity most strongly with the technology that sent us out in a blaze of glory.
What a sad view of humanity to think that our one defining characteristic should be pursuit of technology rather than the ability to intelligently collaborate and thereby form communities with a shared purpose.
I can assure you that the success of human survival throughout the history of our species has had far more to do with community and resourcefulness than with technological advancement. In fact it should be clear by now technological advancement devoid of communal spirit will be the very thing that brings an untimely end to our entire species. Our technology is destroying the climate we depend on and depleting the soil that we need for growing food, to say nothing of the nuclear bombs that could wipe us out with the wrong individuals in positions of power.
If they ever go public then yes, enshittification is guaranteed. As long as they remain a privately held company, there’s a chance they can hold the enshittification at bay.
I don’t agree with the previous poster. There’s nothing wrong with diving in and figuring things out as you go, especially if that’s a way that you commonly like to learn. Everyone has different learning styles, and Rust can fit all those styles.
The main thing to understand is you shouldn’t let compilation errors discourage you. You will get a lot of compilation errors. And I mean A LOT. That’s okay, it’s normal, and it doesn’t mean you’re dumb or that Rust is an excessively difficult language. It generally just means that there’s some new piece of the language for you to learn before you can take your next step.
When you run into compilation errors, just read the error message carefully and see if you can understand what the problem is. Often the error itself will tell you how to fix it, but you should take the opportunity to understand why the fix is necessary. In every case there’s a reason that the language is putting limitations on what you’re doing. It’s to protect you from bad habits that other languages used to let you get away with. So understand what’s bad about what you were doing and you’ll rapidly grow as a developer.
If you can’t figure out what’s wrong from the compilation error alone, that’s when it makes sense to turn to the book. The error messages will generally include a reference code which you can use to get more details on the nature of the error. Googling that will lead you to online discussions and maybe entries in the Rust book. Otherwise there isn’t a real need to read through the book from front to back unless that’s a way you like to learn.
I’m not trying to shill for Google but I really think it would be a mistake to break up Google without breaking up Microsoft simultaneously if not first. If they actually manage to crack open Google’s search and browser monopoly, who do they really think is going to start filling in that void? Local mom and pop search engines…? No it’s primarily going to be Microsoft with Bing and Edge, and I’m absolutely certain that whatever people don’t like about Google having its monopolies is going to be orders of magnitude worse if Microsoft gains ground there.
It makes total sense that new C++ will contain a higher percentage of bugs than old C++, but after being an almost full time Rust dev for the last two years, you will not convince me that new Rust code has more bugs than old C++ code.
So far I have yet to come across a bug in any of my Rust code that made it into production. All issue reports from users are still related to the C++ code base that we haven’t managed to fully divorce from.
The only advantage to C++ interop is that managers want to see new code get deployed immediately and continuously. They don’t want to wait until the corporation’s billions (literally) of lines of code are all rewritten in a new language before they start to see the benefits of that transition.
The “reform is impossible” is a self-fulfilling prophesy because it leads leftists to never try to get involved in the party, which means they’ll never get a seat at the table, which means they’ll never be able to steer the party.
I certainly can’t prove that the influence of big money can ever be overcome within the party by grassroots organization, but you also can’t prove that it’s impossible (you can only prove that it’s difficult, which is something I certainly won’t dispute).
You certainly can’t prove that a true socialist movement will ever gain traction in America. It seems like the general public is so brainwashed they would rather be indentured servants of large corporations than lift a single finger to seize the means of production.
So we’re left with two unprovable paths to consider, and here’s the thing: the two paths are not mutually exclusive. Leftists can try both at the same time with neither being disruptive to the other. So this is the pragmatism: consider all possibilities and put the eggs into more than one basket.
Or he’s a pragmatist who is concerned with both harm reduction and the likely reality that the only takeaway that Democrats will ever have from losing an election to someone right wing is that Democrats need to go even further to the right to win.
If leftists give the impression that nothing will ever be good enough for them then
I personally believe that if the Democrats had taken on a progressive populist anti-genocide platform they would have won the election handsomely, but I am left with no way to empirically prove that to anyone because so many leftists opt out of voting entirely.
She would have lost Michigan and Wisconsin by even larger margins if she went with Shapiro instead of Walz.
I’m not convinced he really believes that OpenAI is going to roll out AGI in the next ten years, but I’m completely sure he’s determined that it’s a good marketing strategy to make people believe that he believes it.
These graphs only cover the demographic of 18-29 year olds, which historically do lean heavily towards progressive.
OP really needs to heed this advice. Modifying things in the cache will cause breakages that will confuse the hell out of you.
Calculus was invented in the late 1600s, almost 2000 years after the Roman aqueducts were built. The Roman engineer would know some geometry, but certainly not calculus.
Google is an enormous company which operates flatter than you’d expect for an organization of its size. It’s entirely possible that someone from Google was involved in organizing this (i.e. booking the venue) without having buy-in from leadership. Once leadership became aware after being asked about it, they may have shut the whole thing down because they knew the optics would be bad.
Speaking as an annoying Rust user, you’re being bigoted. I’m annoying, but the vast majority of Rust users are normal people who you wouldn’t even know are using Rust.
Don’t lump all the others in with me, they don’t deserve that.
How exactly is an individual supposed to determine which cops will be good and which will abuse their power?
Just as we can’t make a general statement that all cops are definitely bad, you can’t make a general statement that all cops in any particular country or town will be good.
From a basic risk management viewpoint, it doesn’t make sense for anyone to accept the risk that any given cop won’t abuse their position, even if we were willing to accept that very few would actually do so.
Cops have an extremely privileged status in society and the amount of damage that a bad one can do to an individual - on purpose or even by accident - is incalculable, including setting up an innocent person for capital punishment as we’re seeing unfold in Missouri right now.
There have been articles out there for multiple days now which spell out your same conclusion, but these CNN clowns keep pushing the same false narrative. It’s blatantly intentional misdirection at this point.
The official act could be to use the national guard to rescue a US citizen from wrongful imprisonment, but that’s the kind of thing that racist Republicans would start a civil war over in the name of “states’ rights”.
This is more of a 600 year regression to pre-Renaissance if we’re being honest.