Now a disclaimer; I’m not FtM, but non-binary and struggling with vocal dysphoria. I’ve had voice masculinization therapy on my mind for a long while now, but unfortunately gender-affirming vocal therapy is near-nonexistent in the conservative country I live in. (fuck this place tbh) Therefore, I’ve been thinking of having sessions online instead, but I’ve had difficulties finding any practitioners or services. Even the few I have found, were extremely expensive at $120-150 USD per individual session! Needless to say I cannot afford that sort of budget (@_@;)
So… any online recommendations where I can get therapy for cheaper than this? Any and all advice is much needed and appreciated.
Interesting! I’m an older trans gent and I learned most of my masculinization technique from just watching (and emulating) how dudes talk while playing video games.
I suppose as a tip; using fewer syllables and clipped, stoic language helps. If you find yourself sounding a little rude, that’s technically the point. Also the end of masculine sentences dips down instead of up (in the US at least).
Best of luck friend!
- Check out other English speaking countries that have the healthcare system of a normal developed country, not the US
- if you’re not a native English speaker, don’t forget voice isn’t the same from one language to another: try to get coaching in your language.
I am completely ignorant on this topic so take my words with a heaping of salt.
Would voice acting lessons work? Or finding a voice actor discord to get help from?
I take voice acting classes and am in a number of voice acting Discords and… I doubt it. Voice acting’s fun, and there’s aspects of it that might help, but the focus is pretty different.
That said, to OP’s question: I’ve never seen masculinizing voice training offered, anywhere. It’s all the other way, because there’s an assumption that people will do HRT and that for most transmascs the resulting change will be enough. I’ve contemplated it myself, because my voice is still pretty high and my speech patterns get me ma’amed on the phone, but it seems to be pretty rarely offered.
get me ma’amed on the phone
I love this phrase. I’m a cis dude that gets ma’amed almost every time I’m on the phone with someone that doesn’t know me.