I didn’t know about the movie till I saw the copy-paste review bombing stuff.
The cast looks excellent. Since I can’t use the reviews, have you seen it and did you enjoy it?
edit: I enjoyed it, it was worth a watch
I love apocalyptic/disaster movies. This has all the feels of one. The movie itself is good as it keeps you guessing throughout. With about 15 min left in the movie, I realized I still had no idea what was going on, and then it ended. For real. If you want about 2 hrs of disconnected, but interesting scenes, with zero resolution, you’ll like it.
At 15 mins left I was left thinking there was a few possible options on how it was going to go, then it ended as you said. It has potential and kinda pissed it away to give the daughter her milquetoast climactic ending and no one else a conclusion.
Everyone can see what the conclusion is. Not everything has to be shown.
I’m good with that lol. I’ll probably watch it half in the background
Thanks :)
Great description. This is one of those “I’m gonna need to read about this afterwards” kind of movies. Frustratingly, that didn’t really help with my unanswered questions.
Watched it two nights ago. It has a good premise, and the actors and the concept of the movie had me expecting great things. However, I found it mostly bland. The acting wasn’t even that good, and the ending just trailed off. Personally, I’d give it a hard pass, but I may be an outlier here.
I felt like they really lost their way half way through, I was actually interested in the plot and characters up until then. I can’t recommend this movie to anyone as a 2+ hour investment.
Agree, if it had been shorter the pacing on the second half would have felt better. It’s fine if you go slow when establishing the premise, but it hardly feels like there was any payoff due to the slowness.
Spoilers: at one point when they were talking in the car on another persons property, the scene went for so long I just wanted the character (which was on the background looking awkward the entire time) to make good on his earlier promise and put the scene out of misery.
I had the benefit of seeing it without knowing anything about it, so enjoyed watching it trying to figure out what kind of movie it was going to be.
I can see why people have responded negatively to it, but I think I’ll always like Sam Esmail’s technically accomplished direction of his projects (i.e. Mr. Robot, Homecoming, and now this film)
- Great photography
- Great performances from Roberts and Ali
- Great aesthetics
- Okay story. Which tracks with the book
That’s the vibe I got, thanks I’ll give it a go :)
I liked it. I went in totally blind. I feel like it was consistent all the way to the end. It knows what it wants to show and what not to show.
It had a few good hooks, and great actors, but the ending just kinda petered out unfortunately.
I watched a few nights ago, and it was well shot, and I was interested and engaged to the end. Like others I think the end could have been resolved more, but I would still recommend it.
It’s outstanding, but it’s not your typical movie in the sense of what it’s designed to convey. Take it as a portrayal of how people might respond to the events in the movie, rather than being about the characters in the movie, and the ending should not be that disappointing.
I liked it a lot. It had a cool vibe and was never slow or boring (to me).
It was also directed by someone who clearly thought a lot about what they wanted to say and how they wanted to say it. And by that I mean it’s loaded with hidden symbolism and easter eggs.
Don’t read about it before you watch it, for maximum enjoyment 😉
It gave me Cloverfield vibes a bit. Could’ve been shorter, but in general worth a watch as one of those “what if this actually happened” movies.