• just_change_it@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Spoilers: We’re already slave-lite. Owned by our landlords, credit bureaus, state and federal government (taxes) and education finance system (immutable loans).

    It’s nowhere near as bad as real slavery was. The goal is to make us earn as much as possible for those that own us though under the guise of “freedom”. Freedom is dictatorship. Freedom is being controlled. Freedom is doing the right thing as prescribed by those in power and their interpretation of law which always seems to side with those who already have the money and power.

    • set_secret@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      “1984” by George Orwell.

      Key tenets include:

      1. Big Brother Is Watching You: This is the omnipresent government surveillance.

      2. War Is Peace: This paradoxical slogan highlights the manipulation of truth.

      3. Freedom Is Slavery: Suggests that individual freedom is an illusion.

      4. Ignorance Is Strength: Encourages the populace to accept false narratives.

      5. Thoughtcrime: The idea that thinking against the Party is criminal.

      6. Doublethink: Holding two contradictory beliefs simultaneously.

      7. Newspeak: Language designed to limit freedom of thought.

      8. The Party’s absolute control over truth and reality.

      Seems like a how to guide for the right imo.

    • The goal is to make us earn as much as possible for those that own us though under the guise of “freedom”. Freedom is dictatorship. Freedom is being controlled. Freedom is doing the right thing as prescribed by those in power and their interpretation of law which always seems to side with those who already have the money and power.

      They keep sayin’ we’re free, but we’re all just loose.

    • varjen@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      According to the 13th amendment you’re already an actual slave state except the slaves are called prisoners.

      • Schadrach
        1 year ago

        You could make an argument that the prisoner clause is necessary though, as being a prisoner and being compelled to act by prison guards/staff is itself involuntary servitude, which were that clause in the 13th not there and it were successfully argued would make prisons themselves unconstitutional.

        The phrase “involuntary servitude” is applied in a very limited sense though, for example being pressed into military service against your will is explicitly not “involuntary servitude”, nor is being required to generate income for another person against your will on threat of being jailed if you refuse or fail to produce enough (this is literally what child support is, and is basically the only case in the US where you can be jailed for failing to pay a debt).