Instance upgraded to Lemmy .19 Beta and now login through Avelon is broken.
I think there was another breaking change in the v19 RC after the one I added support to, looking into it!
Thank you, loving the app btw.
Interesting I thought this was already implemented. Do you use 2FA? I know with the new update you’ll have to re set it up.
I do not use 2FA, although I know I should.
Same issue here.
Instance is running 0.19.0-rc.10 and tried logging in with and without MFA. No bueno.
Login has failed ever since the instance I’m associated with went to 0.19 RCs.
Login works with just-released version of Avelon. Thank you!
Same problem here
Thanks for the update. The latest TestFlight release let me sign in again!
That’s good to hear. Looking forward to the actual release update, since I’m not on the beta, and therefore can’t log into my home instance until that gets fixed. Appreciate hearing that part is fixed!
Yes, down for any v.19x instance for me as well. Avelon seems to be struggling to keep up. Had to switch to a different app to log into v.19x instances (using Voyager seems to work on any flavor instance right now). Been several weeks that Avelon is broken on v.19x instances…
Having the same issue since a few weeks.