Huffman said in an interview that he plans to institute rules changes that would allow Reddit users to vote out moderators who have overseen the protest, comparing them to a “landed gentry.”
Huffman said in an interview that he plans to institute rules changes that would allow Reddit users to vote out moderators who have overseen the protest, comparing them to a “landed gentry.”
And there it is. They’re going to implement a system that will enable them to remove mods without cause, justified by anonymous voting…when they have millions of bots that can vote however Reddit wants them to. People said they’d replace mods and instill puppets and this is quite literally that.
Won’t solve thile moderation shit show it will cause but the removing the mods forcibly part is now in the works.
Honestly I don’t know why any mods would stay after this, and I see more of them leaving. Reddit doesn’t care about you mods. It’s an abusive one way relationship that they need to walk away from.
I see it backfiring already.
“Hey we host a sub that’s SFW about this popular actress we like. Rule 1, don’t post pictures of her boobs”
Alright let me just go fire up the spambot hive and put down $3.50 for 500,000 votes to oust this mod
“Wtf guys, I just wanted to talk about her acting, couldn’t you make a new sub for her boobs?”
Hey welcome everyone I’m your new mod and here’s soandso’s boobs"
I take it you’re a boob man.
If only people were to just LEAVE the site, even just temporarily until changes were made in their favor. A massive drop in user activity would be a huge hit to u/spez and at that point it wouldn’t matter if his cronies took over the mods because no one would be on.
I find it funny that a lot of the people who were yelling for a blackout were still active during the 12th and 13th. This blackout was the wrong move man. Wrong move.
There never were that many people yelling for a blackout or complaining in general. Fact simply is, that the average Reddit User doesn’t care about it, since it doesn’t affect them directly. If we throw in all mods, the 3rd party app users and all the people that care, we don’t even reach 10% of Reddits userbase.
They had a drop of about 30% during the blackout which is already a lot more than expected, but that’s mainly because subs are closed and people can’t post.
Anecdotally, everyone I personally know who uses reddit has dropped it.
I’m on it less and less. And as soon as I find where I want to settle, I’ll be off it for good.
They’re not the last place we’ll go. Neither is this. The core of free discussion on the internet moves with the times and it is moving here. All the way from Usenet to AOL to UBB boards to Myspace pages and Slashdot all the way to Reddit and now Lemmy, and so it goes.