“with wind the single-biggest contributor… Power production costs have declined “by almost half” … And the clean energy sector has created 50,000 new jobs… Ask me what was the impact on the electricity sector in Uruguay after this tragic war in Europe — zero.”
One of the main reasons the big players want (or even need) as many people globally to remain dependent on it as possible - control.
That and petrolheads in politics. Who is so slow in renewables? USA and Germany.
Carter tried to show the US the future but then he got replaced with Bad Human 1.0 Ronnie and it was all trashed.
Germany has the most renewables per capita of any European nation and have been heavy investors for a long time now.
They are a bit better now, but especially during Merkel were some heavy stones laid on the way for wind. Ok, i admit, they are good in private solar now.
Ironically it’s the US and German subsidies that kickstarted solar and brought costs down.
Yep, lock the victim nations into a petroleum payment plan
Yes, people like us might see this as a necessary mechanism with very bad side effects, and offer replacements which wouldn’t have those side effects.
While some people in charge might see those side effects as the main reason to use that mechanism.
If most of the planet goes for renewable energy, dynamics of power are going to become more fluid. Owning some geological massif, which is a rather stable and controllable thing, will matter much less. Attracting and managing expertise will matter even more.