Was a lot of it classic word of mouth, email, etc.?
I imagine something like that, but I’m wondering as I feel like there may be some useful pieces of knowledge that may be worth recalling as people gradually start to move back out of the more centralized sites/services.
I spent so much time using StumbleUpon. It was a great way to discover random stuff
It’s called mix now
Kiiind of. StumbleUpon is well and truly gone. Mix was a different site started by a company owned by one of the same guys, and when SU shut down, they allowed SU accounts to migrate to Mix. I’ve tried it, and it was like… fine, but somehow the magic was gone. Maybe it was the lack of keyboard shortcut, or the lack of browser toolbar, or maybe the database just wasn’t as good
Mix is barely a shadow of StumbleUpon… The closest StumbleUpon “clone” I have found so far is cloudhiker.net. There are a few others that attempt the same thing but aren’t quite there yet. I also used StumbleUpon daily since inception until it was shut down. I really miss it.