I’ve accidentally tapped the D key when using Alt+F to open the File menu a few times. There is no matching shortcut or close-window command in that menu, yet it instantly closes the window. Can someone tell me why?

  • @funchords
    1 year ago

    Seems to do Close Window, the same thing as Ctrl+Shift+W or Alt+F4

    In fact, if I do Alt+F, I see the command “Close Window Ctrl+Shift+W” where the d character is underlined. If I just Alt and then arrow-click the File menu, I don’t see that command at all.

    • onoOP
      21 year ago

      Ah! Yes, it’s hidden if I open the menu with the mouse, too.

      A menu option that’s shown only if the menu is opened in a certain way. How confusing.

      • jscher2000
        11 year ago

        Not sure of your OS but Windows 10 has a global setting to “Underline access keys when available” that I think makes them always visible.

        If you need to remove this access key, one option is a startup script. In my example in the following article I refer to them as accelerator keys:


  • BendyLemmy
    1 year ago

    It seems odd that you would CLICK the menu and then use the keyboard. Firefox has 2 versions, the ‘mouse’ version is slightly cut down.

    Try opening the menu with:

    1. Keyboard (press Alt, then F).

    2. Mouse (you can press Alt, then CLICK the F)

    This is something I rarely use keyboard for, TBH. I use mouse gestures.

    I close a tab by drawing an ‘L’ and can re-open a tab by drawing an ‘L’ in reverse (bottom to top).

    A window by doing ‘X’ and re-opening a window with an ‘L’ in reverse but coming down again from the vertical.

    I must say, I find gestures (i.e. drawing shapes) much easier to remember - I use ten times more gestures than I remember keyboard shortcuts.


  • tjn21
    11 year ago

    I’m not willing to try it. Does your OS perhaps contain such a combination?

    • @funchords
      11 year ago

      It closes whole windows. You can try it safely by opening a second Firefox whole window, open a few tabs on it, and then Alt-F, D and the entire window closes. (Your first Firefox window is unaffected.)

      • tjn21
        21 year ago

        I’m still getting the hang of this site. I thought I replied to your comment but my reply showed separately. I get the same result as the OP.