Lemmings, at least in the communities I frequent, seem quite better educated.
They know better than to believe in birds. Less controversy.
You make an excellent point, lemmings wouldn’t fall for government propaganda.
This is propaganda to keep us off the trail of the REAL blueprints.
Ah yes, it also sings encoded messages to other birds, which in turn eventually leads to the Pentagon. This is why I install Linux on my local population, maybe you should do the same.
Penguins aren’t real.
I’ve tried to get my hands on the hardware, but predator drones usually extract the electronics before I get a chance.
By no means do I want to stop anyone from having fun, but I truly believe with all my heart that this is the dumbest, most unoriginal and annoying joke on the internet.
Joke? Then you don’t get it. Let me explain it to you, son: it’s a caricature on conspiracy theories like chem trails or flat earth etc and shows how easy it is to create a whole world of fake facts around it. Oh, and I’m sorry that I had to tell you the earth isn’t flat. You good now or do you need anything else? I’m happy to oblige.
If you have never seen a dumber or unoriginal or more annoying joke… you are very lucky. Or have only been “on the internet” a few times.
Now I know what these metal spikes everywhere in the city on roofs and ledges are: bird charging stations
Sure I can get behind all of that, but where does the poop come from?
They are tracking devices. They’re used to track vehicles to determine pattern of life and fingerprint you based on your behavior.
It comes from the birds obviously. There’s different models specialized to specific use cases.
The one in the picture is for standard, low risk citizen surveillance. They don’t always come with the tracker feature.
They were designed to support RFC 1149 IPoAC specifications
What OS are the birds running?
Probably windows, since it is optimized for spying.
It’s right in the name: pigeOnS.
That isn’t a real blueprint, I have taken many birds apart, that’s why cats are good at destroying the drones, I invented cats, they are cybernetic organisms, your common house cat is a cyborg, they were inspired by leopards and jaguars and stuff, and black cats don’t actually bring bad luck… we made that up to mess with people, because it’s funny