• 📛Maven
      328 months ago

      Probably the worst thing my family has ever overheard was me yelling, “It’s not genocide, they’re short!”, in a lilting Irish accent, as we discussed collapsing a mountain on some gnomes.

  • @jackoneill@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    My wife once walked in on the middle of an online DND session right when I was getting slapped across the face by the cock of a half man half ox, because a moment prior i used invisible mage hand to pants him in front of the queen, for reasons…… I genuinely don’t remember why I did that but it seemed like a good idea at the time. He took offense to this of course

    I couldn’t really explain it to her

  • Drew Belloc
    58 months ago

    This reminds me of when my players have seen two kids playing in the city map and 1 of them wanned to throw them into the river just because he could, i’m happy he is not in the next campain