I’m currently experiencing this dilemma. I want to knit something but am not sure what to make.

  • @thegiddystitcher@lemm.eeM
    91 year ago

    That’s where having a Ravelry queue that I could never hope to finish off in my lifetime comes in!

    If it’s just to scratch the knitting itch maybe you can look up whether there are any local collections going for things like baby hats, warm accessories for the homeless, that sort of thing? I know those tend to happen pretty often in some places.

  • @OmniscientLarder
    51 year ago

    I look for patterns on ravelry that match what I have in my stash.

    • @thegiddystitcher@lemm.eeM
      31 year ago

      And then you find something that almost matches, but not quite. Maybe you just have one ball less than you’d need. But the colourway is discontinued, so now you just have to go buy the whole project’s worth of some other yarn instead…

      Just me?

  • @Ginwhisper@lemmy.world
    51 year ago

    Real talk… Dishcloths. I can’t say I’m a huge fan of cotton, but they’re just long enough to get me out of a slump, and functional.

  • HandsHurtLoL
    31 year ago

    I have the opposite problem in which I have so many projects I want to make eventually, I get overwhelmed about where to start!

    When you say you don’t know what to make, do you mean you’re still trying to decide between garments versus accessories? Or do you mean, you have an idea what kind of garment, you just don’t know which pattern?

    • Emotional_Series7814OP
      1 year ago

      I haven’t even made it that far yet. I don’t know what to make at all. Garment, accessory, who knows? Although I don’t think I’m quite experienced enough for full-on garments yet, I don’t have good consistency with tension yet so rows don’t look uniform. Also, I’m not completely new to knitting but my know-how is very much beginner level.

      • HandsHurtLoL
        21 year ago

        What is the last item you knit that ended up having really good technique such as: good tension, no dropped stitches? And could you tell me if it was a project knit in stockinette or garter stitch?

        • Emotional_Series7814OP
          11 year ago

          None of my projects have had good tension, although dropped stitches don’t really become a problem because just as I compulsively hit Ctrl+S, I also compulsively add lifelines.

            • Emotional_Series7814OP
              1 year ago

              A tea cozy.

              I have no more need for tea cozies, and neither do people I know.

              Thank you for helping me! I hope I’m not coming off hostile—tone on the internet is difficult sometimes.

              • HandsHurtLoL
                21 year ago

                (I hadn’t detected any sassy tone, don’t worry!)

                I was going to suggest a beanie but looking at tea cozies, I’d say that will probably feel like more of the same.

                How about a headband or a cowl? A headband can be done over a weekend and a single twist headband is way easier than it looks.

                • Emotional_Series7814OP
                  1 year ago

                  Thanks for the links!

                  Also, your username, somewhat cause for concern on a knitting community. Are you okay?

                  Your username also makes me hope you might know the answer to this question. Sometimes after I’ve been knitting for awhile, continuing makes individual fingers feel the same thing as when you purposely flex your knuckles. Is this normal, a sign I should stop, a sign my technique is wrong, or something else?

                  Thank you again for your help!

  • @3geek14@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    21 year ago

    I look for something new to me. Maybe a new technique, maybe a new type of item. My current project is my first doily, and am upcoming project will be my first sweater. I spent a while trying to learn new techniques, and trying to combine them (like lace + double-knitting).

  • @crookedbanana@lemmy.world
    21 year ago

    I usually look at my stash for inspiration… Or just cast on a pair of socks or a hat. Something quick to get the juices flowing! Sometimes I also think about what I’d like to be wearing right now and knit that. That’s how I started the current summer secret crop I’m making.

  • jbdigriz
    21 year ago

    If I’m really at odds and just need something to keep my hands busy (but isn’t a ton of commitment) a tea towel. Two inexpensive skeins of cotton, needles aren’t huge or tiny, no fit issues just a general size-ish, and can get weird with colour and texture. I’ve got a pile of them now, and my friends covet being able to pick one for themselves. There’s one for every kitchen and style!

  • I always just make Gramma slippers (aka phentex slippers). I always have someone who wants a pair…they get them when they get them 🤣

  • dartilyart
    11 year ago

    Socks are my vanilla knitting go to. I collect Sock Yarn and have learned how to knit it without looking. It’s my “I don’t know what I want to knit” or “I need a palette cleanser” project.

  • dartilyart
    11 year ago

    How I get out of creative block with my art is I do side work. So that might work for knitting/crochet. Without any expectation, organize your yarn stash, build out or organize your patterns. Research yarn, or comment on knitting/crochet posts on social media. When I do the visual art equivalent of these things I find that inspiration hits and I can’t wait to get creating again! Bonus: when inspo hits your systems will be organized and ready for you to get going.