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The original was posted on /r/sysadmin by /u/ScuzzyUltrawide on 2023-10-24 15:27:30+00:00.

I haven’t done this kind of work in a long time, but back in the day I had utilities to do this. Today I would have to look up a bunch of individual utilities to do things like dump out the active process list, drive list with capacity and usage, installed apps according to os level utilities. It had a piece for windows and for linux and would dump out big text files that we used for getting the post-migration systems back up and running correctly. I’m being pulled in because I’m a developer in a legacy language and someone quit and I stepped up, but now I kind of wish I had my old tools like from the Win2000 era. Now I have a list of about 15 legacy windows and linux servers I need to get my arms around. Anyone have a couple links to help me out? I’m at a loss for search terms. What is that class of software even called now?