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The original was posted on /r/sysadmin by /u/jimboslice_007 on 2023-10-24 15:39:04+00:00.

Small company, currently using google workspace (I know, I know). Looking to add another remote office. The existing remote offices are set up as site-2-site vpns, running hyperv, with a DC and an application server. Ideally, the new office isn’t going to need the application server, so it feels like a physical server just for a dc is unnecessary.

What have you guys done for this sort of setup? Get a server anyway? Do some cloud hosted AD solution (dc hosted in aws)? Just use the DC from the main office over VPN?? Seems like there is always something new every couple years and I’m not as current on this stuff as I should be. And as always, there is pressure to keep the cost down.