My free tier oracle cloud just got deleted and I lost all my ERPNEXT data
Any budget VPS I can use for my ERPNEXT?
I want it to be as cheap as possible, maybe around 2-5 usd per month
It’s mainly used for trial and error, so no need for fancy one as long as it’s not suddenly deleted
I recommend
Check RackNerd during black friday. I got a 3 core, 4.5GB Ram VPS with 100GB SSD storage and more bandwidth than I can use for like $40ish a year.
The CPU isn’t the newest but it’s handling cyberpanel and docker without any issues.
Digital ocean and Linode are both reliable. I think their lowest cost option is around $5 USD per month
If you can live on ipv6 only fly.IO is free for 1 CPT shared with low RAM and disk. Up to 3 are free. An ipv4 ip is $2 per month.
Oracle is supposed to be the better deal but refuses to accept my credit card and I’ve heard lots of issues like erasing servers.
At $2-3 IONOS is the next step up. Digital Ocean is popular too but at$5 blows up your budget.
May want to look for stable storage first.
I used digital ocean and it’s really good. Linode too. Same price. 5$ For cheaper option, I don’t know any… Didn’t dig deep enough.
Check out VPSDOM