Let’s see if we can get some discussion going.
Recently, at least, my main has been Scout. I run M1000 with Electrocuting Focus Shots - the way I’ve built it provides a nice breakpoint for acid spitters. After playing Scout for a while I find it a little hard to go back to a slower class - more than once I’ve tried to grapple away and realize “wait you idiot you’re playing Engineer”.
After Scout, I like playing Gunner the most, followed by Engineer. I don’t really like playing Driller much - despite having many promotions on my other classes, I haven’t promoted Driller yet! I don’t hate the class, or anything, I just didn’t ever really click with the playstyle. I have a healthy respect of Drillers on my team for being able to handle crowd control well, so cheers to you guys.
I prefer driller, but rotate regularly to fill (and promote). I feel like it’s the most versatile class in the game.
- Bugs? All 3 weapons do AoE very well and bring extra utility (robots on fire, enemies frozen, bugs slowed, etc.)
- Stuff on the wall? EPC + Thin Containment Field
- Gotta get somewhere? Drills
- Teammates? C4
That said, they’re all fun in their own way.
Edited for formatting
“Teammates? C4” hits very close to home
The opposite, I’m a generalist and play all four classes equally (they are always on the same rank). I couldn’t imagine restricting myself to one artificially.
I’m the same way. All the classes are fun! I’ll fill the last spot in any mission with whatever class hasn’t been picked or just choose the lowest ranked class I have.
It’s not artificial, at least for me - it’s just a natural consequence of getting into the groove. I play scout, I get used to scout, I want to play more scout cause it’s what I’m used to. I still switch it up, usually to Gunner, but habit is what it is.
I find myself switching a lot because I play with randoms all of the time. I will choose my class based on whatever the team needs as I join.
Engineer. Engineer has the most creative gameplay I find. There are lots of ways of using his kit to create chokepoints, save ammunition by electricuting enemies without shooting them directly or with turrets, bridges to nowhere to funnel enemies that you can jump off and make them walk all the way back, and more.
Scout is my go to when I want to rely on speed and skill over excessive/quick planning.
Driller is my go to.
Im absolutely terrible at traversing terrain and being able to just look at where the drop pod has landed and tunnel my way there is what made me love the class.
The flamethrower is great while solo, and the Cryo gun fixes the issue of friendly fire while playing with friends who can all gun down the frozen dreadnaughts nice and quick
There’s is no problem that can’t be solved if you just drill hard enough.
Gurren Lagann reference. Nice
Driller, baby!
I mostly play solo and after trying them all, that was just the one I vibed with. Although, when I do get into a group with friends it tends to go badly for them because I’m so used to being able to flamethrow everything without concern for other people.
Yes I am bad at this game.
That’s what the Friendly perk is for!
First one my husband got. I wonder why 🤔
I play solo. I started as gunner, but then switched to the scout because the grapling hook makes it so much easier to get around. If I played in a group, driller might be a good class, but I prefer to play solo and take my time.
How do you work around the lack of firepower on higher hazard levels?
I love swinging around and getting secondary objectives done so easily. But really struggle to have enough ammo when bigger bugs roll in
I main gunner. I like almost all of its weapons, grenades, shield generator and the zipline. I have found very enjoyable balanced and unstable OCs for all three primary weapons. Gunner class armor looks baller. The other classes are fun but there is always something that keeps me from wanting to play them constantly, but not gunner.
There’s something so addicting about holding down mouse 1 with my Big Bertha flak cannon and watching an entire swarm struggle to get close
Ive played all the classes for about 100hr each. Last class i chose was driller mainly because i dont like the feeling of flamethrowers in games and my friend was already playing as them. Anyway i level up with driller until i unlock the (imo) best primary in the game: Corrosive sludge pump. GODDAM DOES IT FEEL GOOD TO USE. I can charge a shot and the bugs fizzle away like soda. I now have about twice as many hours on driller as other classes, currently on silver 1. Driller is the most fun i had in his game
Scout. Started the game with a buddy of mine, he picked Engineer as his main, since these two classes seem to synergize pretty good
Engi all the way! Started building up a scout after 300+ hours of nothing but engineer. Scout is fun, I like the mobility. I love having a good driller in my squad, so I think that will be my next class after I level up scout for a while.
Started with Scout as it had the most appeal initially. Quite challenging to get into the other classes now. Got that need for speed!
May the Lord and saviour Karl himself introduce you to the Special Powder overclock?
The problem with Special Powder is that it means giving up my Embedded Detonators. I play solo, so I like a versatile load out.
Zipping around like Spiderman is addicting.
love driller. digging paths in a digging game efficiently and having a strong freeze weapon feels fun to me
Have the highest play time and promotion (gold 2) on scout, but some time ago begun to enjoy the “no way? I make my own way!” energy of driller. Also often rotate, both dwarves and loadout.
Some fun ones for driller
-sticky flames for area denial
-vampire and barbed drill for the freeze gun
-slowdown build on the sludge gun for dreadnought fightsI mainly play engineer both for the versatility and for the ability to place turrets and platforms. The platforms in particular open up a lot of options for traversal. The engineer also has access to some of the coolest weapons in the game in my opinion.
I main Engineer, then Scout, then Driller. I have to admit, I don’t really see the appeal of Gunner. The rest kill stuff just as fast, and I always feel like he’s the class the group could do best without. Missing a scout, engineer (especially together) or driller is annoying, missing a gunner is… Eh, whatever. This excludes certain super vertical maps where his zip lines save so much time