I have a bunch of duplicates from various humble bundles, feel free to take one, reply when you do. Also I swapped the last two characters.
Roadwarden 3AMQI-3VXXJ-M26Y0Turbo Golf Racing KC647-B3956-2RBMNMeeple Station KQI36-EHTV7-8EC47Death Stranding RZHXC-J2T2Z-IJX4XRollerdrome XM5ZA-BPNGM-Q7A9BAmnesia: Rebirth NPYQ7-B73CC-62VLQAmnesia: Rebirth P3VNK-TI50B-GGIF7Amnesia 1 and 2 LYQE4-76AR8-PMVQ7Mordhau VHJBQ-4RK2K-V650QMetro: Exodus NRDI2-TK2QC-G7XKZHellpoint ZWCCL-565FC-QQTYXSupraland TVLW4-K760W-GDTVHHellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice QEJEX-XWY56-6847I
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I didn’t take a key, but thanks for the giveaway! You’re awesome!
I grabbed Hellblade, thank you!
Thank you for Supraland :)
Thanks for the code. I took Metro: Exodus.
Thank you for Death Stranding Director’s Cut
Hi. I wanted to take either Amnesia or Meeple Station and none of them worked. I think they’ve all been taken.
Thanks for the giveaway! BTW someone already took Mordhau
And Turbo Golf Racing
Thanks for sharing! RoadWarden, hellpoint, and rollerdrome have all been claimed (not by me).