Data from the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction shows that the average global temperature reached 17.01°C, or 62.62°F, on Monday—making it the hottest day ever recorded.

The record lasted just 24 hours.

  • Captain Poofter
    151 year ago

    The worst thing about this is there’s nothing to do other than vote. Like. That’s just the most unsatisfying thing for a problem so serious. It’s terrifying being trapped in a society that’s killing itself.

  • downpunxx
    121 year ago

    sorry to kill the mood, but i’m not terrified, not am i going to be, i will continue to vote for those who will legislate environmentally sound law, and cheer on groups like “just stop oil” and “extinction rebellion” every time they fuck up someone’s commute, but i refuse to live terrified and panic