I understand your curiosity and appreciate your sensitivity on this topic. It’s important to note that quantifying the prevalence of domestic abuse in any community, including the Amish, can be challenging due to factors such as underreporting and cultural differences.
In Amish communities, there have been reports indicating a culture of incest, rape, and abuse¹. However, the exact prevalence of domestic violence and sexual assault in these communities is unknown³. Some reports suggest that abuse has been rampant and underreported⁴⁵, with instances of child sexual abuse being covered up and victims being discouraged from going to the authorities¹.
In comparison, in the general population, it’s estimated that 22% of individuals have been assaulted by a partner at least once in their lifetime⁶. More than 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced either physical violence, rape, or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime⁸.
However, these figures should be interpreted with caution. The cultural, social, and religious practices of the Amish community can make it difficult to compare directly with the general population. The Amish community’s isolation and self-reliance can lead to underreporting of domestic abuse cases¹³⁴⁵, while in the general population, increased awareness and resources may lead to higher reporting rates⁶⁸.
It’s crucial to remember that domestic abuse is a serious issue that affects individuals across all communities and societies. Efforts should be made to support victims and prevent such incidents regardless of cultural or societal context.
I’ll just drop these here
I understand your curiosity and appreciate your sensitivity on this topic. It’s important to note that quantifying the prevalence of domestic abuse in any community, including the Amish, can be challenging due to factors such as underreporting and cultural differences.
In Amish communities, there have been reports indicating a culture of incest, rape, and abuse¹. However, the exact prevalence of domestic violence and sexual assault in these communities is unknown³. Some reports suggest that abuse has been rampant and underreported⁴⁵, with instances of child sexual abuse being covered up and victims being discouraged from going to the authorities¹.
In comparison, in the general population, it’s estimated that 22% of individuals have been assaulted by a partner at least once in their lifetime⁶. More than 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced either physical violence, rape, or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime⁸.
However, these figures should be interpreted with caution. The cultural, social, and religious practices of the Amish community can make it difficult to compare directly with the general population. The Amish community’s isolation and self-reliance can lead to underreporting of domestic abuse cases¹³⁴⁵, while in the general population, increased awareness and resources may lead to higher reporting rates⁶⁸.
It’s crucial to remember that domestic abuse is a serious issue that affects individuals across all communities and societies. Efforts should be made to support victims and prevent such incidents regardless of cultural or societal context.
Source: Conversation with Bing, 10/10/2023 (1) The Amish Keep to Themselves. And They’re Hiding a Horrifying Secret. https://www.typeinvestigations.org/investigation/2020/01/14/amish-sexual-abuse-assault/. (2) Cultural Awareness Training: Amish and Old Order Mennonites … - NYSCASA. https://www.nyscasa.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Amish-and-Old-Order-Mennonite-handout-2-of-2_FINAL.pdf. (3) Philadelphia’s Hidden Sex Abuse Crisis Within the Amish Communities. https://abuseguardian.legalexaminer.com/legal/sexual-abuse-crisis-in-amish-communities/. (4) ‘Sins of the Amish’ Reveals Rape, Incest, and Physical Abuse. https://www.thedailybeast.com/obsessed/sins-of-the-amish-reveals-bombshell-allegations-of-cyclical-rape-incest-and-physical-abuse. (5) FACTS AND STATISTICS ON DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AT-A-GLANCE. https://domesticviolenceresearch.org/domestic-violence-facts-and-statistics-at-a-glance/. (6) Quick Facts: Domestic Violence in the United States 2022 - PlanStreet. https://www.planstreetinc.com/quick-facts-about-domestic-violence-in-the-united-states/. (7) Sexual Abuse in the Amish Community - ABC News. https://abcnews.go.com/2020/story?id=316371&page=1. (8) The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS). https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/datasources/nisvs/index.html. (9) Domestic abuse prevalence and trends, England and Wales - Office for … https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/articles/domesticabuseprevalenceandtrendsenglandandwales/yearendingmarch2022. (10) Domestic abuse prevalence and trends, England and Wales - Office for … https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/articles/domesticabuseprevalenceandtrendsenglandandwales/yearendingmarch2021. (11) undefined. https://www.springerpub.com/partner-abuse.html. (12) undefined. https://domesticviolenceintervention.net/.