Hi, I’ve recently put some posts asking what laptop should I buy. I got some quality advice, so thanks for that guys. I’ve finally bought (well, paid, it’s not reached yet) the acer Nitro 5.


I know the battery is shit, planning to check the thunderbolt port to use an external power bank. But other than that the specs seem awesome, the reviews also say the same. There’s just no other deal that gives a display like this with the specs. I hope the build quality is good, I’ve bought an external extended warranty, so the risk is minimised (I hope).

What do you guys think? This is my first gaming laptop. Is there anything I should do first on receiving? Any ideas how to extend the provided battery’s life? Is Win10/11 better for this hardware? Can I use it for like the next 4 years?

  • dafungusamongus
    1 year ago

    Others can point out if I’m wrong, but I suggest an optimization script that focuses on debloat and optimization for improved latency. Here is the one I ran on my machine.