Hello, currently in bronze and play support quite a lot but I find it hard to properly judge when to gank.

ADCs will often flame you for ganking as well so it’s hard to judge if in doing a bad call or if the adc is just an idiot.

Currently, I play Nautilus, Leona, Blitz and some Bard and usually try to gank when botlane is gone or mid is pushed up a lot.

  • ActionDadam@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    As someone also in Bronze who plays ADC/Jungle I’ll often try to push up and ward around blue/gromp if I’m blue side or if I’m red side I’ll try to get a ward around krugs or back of dragon pit. I do this for vision but also in the hopes we can catch their jungler out.

    If I’m behind I’d rather the support stay unless the lane is far lost and then I can understand the roams. If I’m up, hell yeah go for it if it’s there, nothing wrong with trying to make a play there.