In case you were being productive today and wanted a wikipedia rabbithole. Canada has a land border with Denmark! Win trivia night!

  • FaceDeer
    1 year ago

    Dividing Hans Island was the worst resolution. Now we have to have border guards and a fence there to stop all the Danish illegal immigrants from sneaking over the border, smuggling pastries and tekkin ur jerbs. :(

      281 year ago

      Ah, but now we have a land border with Denmark as well as a ferry connection to France, and our borders are no longer in dispute.

      Our EU application should be in good shape!

          41 year ago

          I’m picturing a future now where Hans Island is a major travel hub because it’s the one land border between Canada and an EU country, and for some technical reason there’s a circumstance where you want to walk across the border.

          • Uncle
            41 year ago

            my father and his side are all Danish, I’m first born Canadian on that side. Would be kinda cool to walk across after hearing stories about grandpa and dads boat trip here

            • @HikingVet
              31 year ago

              It is a very small island in the artic and is a real bitch to get to. I was on a boat that stopped to take the schnapps and flag. Captain kept it.

    • TroyOP
      71 year ago

      Has! The formal end of the dispute was to cut the island in half. There is actually a land border, about 1km long.

    11 year ago

    Canada has a land border with Denmark! Win trivia night!

    So, wildly stupid tangent, but this is how Doom maps works. Sound propagation moves through adjacent sectors to make “nearby” enemies become hostile. Sectors are polygonal regions of a map with one floor, ceiling, and brightness level.

    And they don’t have to be contiguous. Originally this is so one switch can lower two pillars or whatever, but there’s no logical limit.

    Doom has no concept of spawning in enemies. Everything you can kill has to be there, from the start. To make monsters zap in when you enter a room or flip a switch, the trigger has to raise a sector so a hidden box full of angry demons can walk over teleporters. Key word: angry. If they’re not hostile then they just stand there.

    So anywhere the mapper wants enemies ornery before you arrive, they can make a little square in the middle of nowhere, with one half being a sector you’re obviously going to fight in, and the other half being the secret room full of shaved gorillas.