I hope this post is not too off topic. I thought that it would be nice to see the address of all the small self-hosted instances of Lemmy (1~5 users).
I created dis.ney.ink to try to be the Lemmy version of the Disney subreddits (such as r/dvcmember and r/waltdisneyworld) … so far there’s 3 users and ~9 subscribers
Well… Mine was once 1~5 users 😅 It’s selfhosted on my own hardware.
Have you had any issues with your ISP?
What kind of issues? Stability? No issues.
I have considered hosting an instance but my ISP has vague terms prohibiting that sort of thing.
Best you can do is ask them directly.
Or just do it and ask later if there are problems ;) from.my experience when you ask they say no.
New instance less than 20 people ATM. If you can’t see it from the username it is Kerala.party
I stood up an instance on linode for myself and a couple friends.
We’re lolimbeer.com !
Which, is based on an old meme that I still find hilarious.
But, then I got a registration application that was excited about “lolis & beer”.
I still like the domain and I’ve had it sitting around for a minute, but i never really thought about it or read it that way before.
Sorry to hear that. But the whole thing is hilarious
Lol, I thought so too.
Made me think of the arrested development license plate, A new start,
Hello from onlylans.io
Orcas Enjoying Yachts admin checking in!
It says I have 6 users but 2 of those accounts are test users I created when I was getting everything setup. My friend and I are on there and that’s really it.
Edit: somehow I have 20 users now which is kind of neat. Just not sure how many are valid since I had open registrations for a while (it’s still open to users but with verification and captcha enabled).
- The domain is pronounced Nerd-ly. I welcome anyone that considers themself a nerd and any community someone feels like being nerdy about.I also have like 20+ others domains… Most of which are unused… I may have a problem.
Hello fellow domain hoarder 🤣
Started like 20 minutes ago, currently kinda getting created.
IPv6 only
I run lemmyverse.org.
fl0w.cc- single user; the domain is meant to be part of my username :)
Hosting mine at hyperfair.link. Initially thought about using a domain I already had, but realized it had my name in it so registered a new one with a random name I came up with so I don’t doxx myself. Picked the .link tld because it somewhat fit with the Lemmy idea and it was cheap on AWS (where I already have other domains and what not).
Just two dudes here haha
I have no.lastname.nz 31 ‘users’ but 20 are bots that have been banned
Three users @borg.chat
I was hoping to get established sooner but 0.17 gave me endless trouble that I was never able to resolve.