Eggs for me.
If we’re talking non meat then onion, spinach, pumpkin, tofu and taro.
No mention of garlic?
Any of the spices in five spice powder, or said powder.
Soy sauce.
Garlic 100%.
Always have garlic powder and 3-6 heads of garlic in my kitchen and I am not above roasting a couple of them heads at a moments notice so I can toss roasted garlic into anything.
My wife hates me lol
Garlic is the only answer for me. I double the garlic quantity in any recipe that calls for it. It’s just so good
When I started cooking, I thought a “clove” was the whole head of garlic. It tasted about right to me. XD
“Garlic is not measured with spoons but with the heart”
Someone once posted that on reddit, I believe it.
Same goes with vanilla. Oh 1 teaspoon? Cool tablespoon it is lfg!
Garlic and onions. Any onions is good onions.
I like every month or two buying a pound of onions, run em over the mandolin and spend an afternoon doing a nice slow caramelize on em. Reduce em down to a cup or so of dark brown amazingness, toss it in the fridge and add into a bunch of food just like I do roasted garlic.
Hot peppers. Whether it’s jalapeno, cayenne, habanero, Thai chilis, ghost pepper, or even the milder ones like banana peppers, they’re all great. :D
Smoked paprika
One of the most overlooked imo as the taste is subtle. But adding it gives such a homely warm feel to a dish.
@Niello Garlic without question, then tomato.
- Noodles, especially spaghetti.
- Eggplants, especially grilled.
- Cheese, especially aged or blue mold cheeses.
Meat, specifically beef.
Preserved lemon. It’s pickled, fermented lemon. Discovered it in Moroccan dishes, and it is heavenly.
Fuck yeah.
For baking, cinnamon.
For meals, I find the key to good vegetarian food is tomatoes.
plus one for eggs.
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How has no one said potatoes, or rice yet? They are both so incredibly versatile.
Personally, it’s potato. A large amount of cuisines use them and in wildly different ways sometimes.
Cardamon is highly underrated
Artichoke similarly underrated
Sun dried tomatoes … everyone knows this is S tier
These days it’s probably turmeric, even though that isn’t very exciting. I’m having trouble thinking of a dish I wouldn’t put it in under any circumstances.
Salt. I love a lot of foods, but you gotta have the right amount of salt on all of em