The Gfycat service is being discontinued. Please save or delete your Gfycat content by visiting and logging in to your account. After September 1, 2023, all Gfycat content and data will be deleted from
The Gfycat service is being discontinued. Please save or delete your Gfycat content by visiting and logging in to your account. After September 1, 2023, all Gfycat content and data will be deleted from
I’m not surprised. How can this be sustainable? Images are embedded in the websites with no way for Gfycat to make any revenue.
It sure as hell lasted a long time though
As far as I know, companies like Gfycat make money by selling API access to different apps. Like say in a messaging app likeTelegram or Signal. The easiest way for them to integrate a gif search and send function inside of messages is through API access to Gfycat’s servers. Gfycat then charges them for this streamlined integration and access.
That plus selling user data or ads on their website means they will have some revenue. I dont know if its enough to keep them afloat. Since they are shutting down, I’m guessing it didnt pan out so well.
sounds like they should have asked u/spez for some advice on API pricing. /s
Wait, gfycat collects user data whenever I use one of their gifs?