Feels like a great opportunity to use this post to make my first comment with the app. I really dig that you can see the post that you’re responding to in the reply window as well as being able to bring the comment box down to scroll the rest of the feed.
Posted with Artemis (beta)
Not yet posted with Artemis (sad)
😢 sooonnn
Bout to message the first humdred testers today. Over the coming weeks we’ll keep adding more and more :)
༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ gib artemis
let me iiiiin
Does commenting on Artemis auto-fill tags of the people you’re replying to? I’ve actually found that to be slightly annoying, especially in long comment threads.
Like mentioning (username)? Right now it doesn’t do anything besides support markdown heh
Hey, just a heads up, if you hover your name in the top and click settings, you can uncheck the options under Writing and that should fix your issue
Posted with Artemis (beta)
Excited to see the progress of the app!