I just saw this video in my feed. Darens does a good job of criticizing the objectively terrible “review” that LazyPeon made a few days back.

  • @lulztard@lemmy.wtf
    59 months ago

    Okay, so I’ve finally watched Lazy Peon’s review and thought that it was good and fair. No idea what people rage about. SotO adds nothing new (on the contrary), and as someone with full legendary, the entire gear debacle is both kind of lost to me as well as I already play a game without gear. Creating the same experience for everyone baseline might actually be a great idea, the guy could be on to something there.

  • @lorkano@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    It was painful to watch. This guy makes so many mistakes in his reviews because he is to lazy to make Google search to confirm his assumptions. Name fits him at least. I doubt he will be sponsored by Anet again after this nonsense

  • NecropolaM
    9 months ago

    I found this review of a review (a low effort rant which does not even link to the source) much more painful to watch than the source itself, but maybe “it is very incorrect to think this”, too.

    In fact I found Peon’s video quite interesting and enjoyable to watch. He has a different perspective than me (as a long term player) and I actually agree with a lot of his points or I can at least understand where he’s coming from. I don’t think he said anything I strongly disagree with which wasn’t clearly posed as (just) his opinion which he is of course entitled to have like everybody else.