My group and I are willing to try it, but I’ve never GMed before, and don’t want to attempt to make my own story wholesale on the first try. I know there are settings in the book, but I was wondering if there are any additional campaign resources online. Thanks!
There’s a few other adventures on itch, though I haven’t tried them out A few small settings are here. You can search for the tags thirsty-sword-lesbians or powered-by-lesbians there
Age of Ravens also did a Star Wars setting called Thirsty Force Nightsisters, which you can watch a playthrough of here and here
Hey! ! would be happy to discuss this!
But in general, building whole campaigns isn’t a thing PbtA games do, and instead they use the fact that the game engine forces the narrative to keep moving and constantly provokes the players to react and take action to drive the game onwards.
Have you played / MC’d any other pbta games?
I don’t have any resources to offer but I did play in a game of it and really enjoyed it.
Like other strongly thematic games (Lasers and Feelings is what it made me think of most) really lean into the themes and the game succeeds much better. Don’t do things the system is bad at — we had a player who thought it was a heist game a la Blades, but it just doesn’t reward planning very well.
The second book, Advanced Lovers and Lesbians, has more encounters / game prep help in it. overall it’s a small system. There’s not a lot of resources for it yet sadly. I prepped by watching some other groups on youtube play one shots for more examples of how the game works.