These platforms are really trying to push users away, aren’t they…

  • @IntergalacticTowel
    21 year ago

    I wish more of the government, science and tech communities would move off of Twitter, it’s the only reason I really visited in the first place. I wonder what the advertisers think about the sudden reduction in impressions?

  • HobbitFoot
    21 year ago

    I don’t think it is that they are trying to push users away, but they are desperate to do anything to boost the user base as it otherwise shrinks due to their decisions.

    21 year ago

    Oh no! All the tweets I wasn’t viewing can continue being unviewed!

    In all seriousness, I doubt this has the effect Musky boy thinks it will. I imagine he thinks it’ll drive signups to view the content. But us humans have short attention spans - if I can’t view it immediately, I certainly won’t waste more time creating an account to see something. And for the FOMO element - if someone sends me a twitter link and I can’t see it, I’ll just ask for a screenshot because I don’t have twitter. Just further decreasing traffic. But maybe that’s intentional since they’re not paying their server costs. 🤷‍♂️

    11 year ago

    They are trying to push scrapers away, or at least have them pay. That way they get a piece of the AI boom.

    However, they haven’t thought the effect on users and the platform through.

    • @ElwOP
      11 year ago

      Yes, that was my thought as well. Thank goodness for vxtwitter. I’m writing a bit for Discord that will fix Twitter links to use it so that tweet previews still work.