If you enjoy that, then let me introduce you you fzf - a fuzzy finder that has support for replacing ctrl + r in shells with fuzzy matching. Among other uses.
It’s the same, ctrl + r. It is a bash/shell thing so works on any os that uses bash or similar shells. Note, it is not the command key, but ctrl, unlike a lot of other shortcuts on macos.
ctrl + r
gangHoly Crap. I have gotten into the arrow up mode. Then I went to History.
But, but, but ctrl + r. Holy crap.
Thank you kind sir or madam.
If you enjoy that, then let me introduce you you fzf - a fuzzy finder that has support for replacing ctrl + r in shells with fuzzy matching. Among other uses.
Man I over use it at work - even when sitting in front of a pwsh prompt
pwsh with nushell is pretty good
You can also install https://github.com/dvorka/hstr to supercharge your
I can recommend fzf since it also supports searching the current directory
This is it, my first saved comment on lemmy
Is there a MacOS versión of this? Asking for a friend.
It’s the same,
. It is a bash/shell thing so works on any os that uses bash or similar shells. Note, it is not the command key, but ctrl, unlike a lot of other shortcuts on macos.Finally the ls command!
Fish gang arise (no need for ctrl+r, just press up)