I am more old school and pour my milk over a bowl of cereal.
Wait… There are people who pour the cereal into the milk???
I can kind of see it if you want to make sure you have the right cereal to milk ratio. Not that I do it that way, I just eat my cereal dry the times I forget to pick up more milk.
The way I see it, the cereal is the milkshake and the milk is the oreo pieces. I wanna have a decent ratio, but better believe I’m guaranteed a heapin helpin of cereal. Plus, if there’s not enough milk, you can just toss it in the milk like a salad. Win win win.
Cereal, then milk…for the first bowl.
Then add more cereal to the leftover milk, and add a bit more milk for the next bowl…repeat as necessary.
Recommended serving size is for little people.
This is exactly what I do as well, especially with Cinnamon Toast Crunch milk
I pour milk into one of those wide coffee mugs and then take a spoon of cereal directly from the box/bag, lower it slowly into the milk just enough to get milk into the spoon and then eat it.
one. spoonful. at. a. time.
Are…are you okay? Do we need to get you anything?.. Blink twice if your in danger…
This can’t be real. This has got to be Big Coffee Cup astroturfing!
The only time pouring cereal into milk is viable is when you have extra milk after finishing your cereal and are still hungry. I refuse to believe in any other way!
I’ve never heard of the second way, definitely cereal first
Milk over cereal. Always.
Pouring the milk over hydrates the cereal more evenly. Especially corn flakes are prone to float on the milk’s surface if you add it into a bowl of milk.
Cereal, then milk. I will die on this hill.
Agreed - that’s the sane way.
Lemurs? I though we were Lemmings?
Also I’ve always done cereal first but I think that’s partially because I have a variety of different cereals and don’t always want the same amount of milk.
Handfull of cereal, straight from box to main face hole, few chews, then sip of milk from the jug and swish them together. Rinse repeat. Simples
cereal first and pour the milk as i go along - don’t like mushy cereal
First cereal then milk. I see the milk more like a liquid which fills up the space between the cereals and the bowl
I don’t put milk in ceral at all, it goes in a glass.
generally, I’ll eat cereal without milk, but have a large mug of milk on the side. I prefer granola, with lots of dried fruit
I dip it in milk one spoonful at a time so it doesn’t get soggy (I have ADHD)
Using two bowls?
Correct. With the traditional method I’d get distracted by something I was reading and my cereal would get soggy.