I realized I interacted / posted / commented less and less on reddit these last couple of years. Couldn’t even tell you why exactly. Now I’ve been here for a week and, I don’t know, I just like interacting again… Hope it stays like this for a while :)

  • SpaceBar
    421 year ago

    Reddit is too popular and has too much group think, too many of the same types of comments that will get a lot karma, and too many comments that will just be ignored.

    NEW is a garbage dump or a pile of duplicates. So why comment on a new post? It will never go anywhere. HOT is already full of comments, so your comment will just be lost.

    • Kichae
      1 year ago

      If you want like 10,000 instant karma, bet on a New post and say snarky shit. If it gets picked to be one of the magic posts of the day, you win.

      Just don’t say anything meaningful, or you’ll fall below the next person commenting for the lulz.

      That’s what a healthy community looks like. Right?

      • @Givesomefucks@reddthat.com
        41 year ago

        There’s a shit ton of upvote bots and subs had free gold to give out all the time.

        Admins like it because it looks good to advertisers and idiots think buying gold is normalized

        Mods like it because it boosts sub visibility and got more subscribers

        And some users chase karma so theyre onboard too.

        There wasn’t much authentic about reddit

        • @SJ_Zero@lemmy.fbxl.net
          11 year ago

          It was pretty clear to me, that’s why I stopped going.

          It was getting toxic a long while back, but I was ok with that – I just deleted my account every few months so I wouldn’t get doxxed. But then I started to realize 2 things: First, many subreddits wouldn’t even let you post without a minimum amount of karma. Second, many subreddits would downvote you into oblivion for any sort of wrongthink.

          Don’t get me wrong, I know I’m a wierdo and I have some bad takes sometimes, but you put bad takes out there to put them in the fire and then you get to see they’re bad or you hammer them until they’re good. But in the echo chamber, there was only one answer: Obey.

          So I left for greener pastures.

    • GankTopPlz
      21 year ago

      do not fool yourself. this place is just as strong with the group think mentality. if you want proof, look at all the defederation discourse.

      • Kichae
        1 year ago

        If you want to hang out with the Nazis, just say so and go. No one is stopping you.

        • BornVolcano
          51 year ago

          Like literally these people are all like “FrEe SpEeCh” like dude if you wanna be a Nazi go be a Nazi I’m not gonna stop you but I’m definitely not gonna support you in it. You will get a hearty kick to the nuts if you approach me with it but like you do you

        • @EsotericEmbryo@lemmy.world
          31 year ago

          To be fair some instances (like Beehaw) defederate for not being big enough to maintain a huge influx of users. It isn’t always about Nazis although for sure Nazis suck I agree with that!

          • Kichae
            41 year ago

            Sure, but anyone complaining about defederation in the context of “group think” probably isn’t thinking about how much it sucks that small spaces can’t moderate well enough.

      • 70ms
        131 year ago

        Won’t anyone think of the Nazis? 😢

      • magnetosphere
        101 year ago

        Most people consider hate speech unacceptable. Independently coming to that conclusion is not “group think”.

      • Elevator7009
        01 year ago

        I’m constantly seeing posts about how much nicer kbin is, but I’ve also seen a “KYS” comment and personal insults towards people. I also recognize it’s possible that there are fewer nasty comments, that the ones I see are just outliers but I’m more likely to notice them here instead of just downvoting and forgetting because the posts about how nice kbin is are making the counterexamples stand out that much more.

        • BraveSirZaphod
          11 year ago

          Communities are going to have to start actively moderating and removing blatant abuse like that. I haven’t seen very much, but ultimately, we cannot rely solely on votes or people simply being nice forever. It’s always a touchy question, but every community ultimately has some standards of acceptable behavior, and it’ll take time for us to figure out what ours is.

    • Rhaedas
      21 year ago

      I would typically only engage with new posts, but in two places. One was some smaller subs where there was going to be more opportunity for discussion between everyone, and two in the larger subs would be breaking issues where new was by default and it was more group observation of the events going on in real time.

    • The Quuuuuill
      11 year ago

      The karma system also gamifies trying to find a variation on the same thing as always. You’re not trying to be clever or unique, or bring new perspectives to the conversation, you’re trying to be the first person to say the thing you think everyone else is going to think of

  • HubertManne
    171 year ago

    The exchanges I have had here are like rare good ones I have had on reddit. If it gets to popular that will likely change but hey lets enjoy it while we can.

    • riktor
      71 year ago

      I appreciate your comment and hope to see you around!

    • @ritswd@lemmy.world
      61 year ago

      This matches my experience too. I’ve only had one or two unpleasant exchanges from a hateful person here, and it was pretty forgettable. On Reddit it seems like almost every time.

      • Evelyn
        31 year ago

        It was insane how carefully I had to tread on reddit. On here, I can just be myself without worrying about getting spammed by assholes. Every experience on here has been really nice!

      • Xeelee
        21 year ago

        Reddit has been a toxic cesspool for a long time. I just realised how desensitized i have become to this sort of thing after mainly being active here. I really hope we can keep it that way.

  • @Dick@lemmy.world
    121 year ago

    Oh yeah. I’m loving it. I feel like my comments and posts get a lot more attention and the engagement is a lot better than Reddit. It definitely feels like a community is brewing but I’m loving the increased interaction.

  • BornVolcano
    1 year ago

    I thought it would be a really hard shift since I used reddit so much. The more I go between them, the more I realize reddit is just another forum website - it’s not even a really good one, either!

    This change has been super helpful for me to learn not to get so attached to stuff. The people here are the same as the people there and the stuff I post can go anywhere I want it to, there’s nothing extra special about reddit. It’s super freeing!

    • @IceSea@lemmy.worldOP
      11 year ago

      100% agree… and not having to think about karma, which I didn’t really, but then still kind of did I think, feels really awesome

      • magnetosphere
        21 year ago

        You should try Beehaw, or any other instance that’s disabled downvotes. THAT’S awesome. If someone disagrees with your point, they actually begin a conversation, instead of just slapping a down arrow.

        • @Firefly7@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          11 year ago

          Im on lemmy.blahaj.zone and I’ve enjoyed the same thing. So, too, does mastodon feel this way - by default, you can’t see how many likes, boosts, or replies something has. So you end up with people actually talking to each other, rather than clicking a button that makes someone else look bad. In general on the fediverse there’s a prioritization of positivity over negativity, and healthy engagement over petty fights. It’s nice. Makes things easier on the moderators, too, I’m sure.

      • @SnowGlobal@lemmy.world
        11 year ago

        Can you clarify on karma not mattering here? I’ve heard that before, but I also see a total upvote count on my profile page. Does karma not impact the sorting of posts or what?

        • livus
          1 year ago

          Well, for a start, I’m on kbin.social so when I click your profile you have 0 everything. So whatever we have on our instance probably doesn’t come with us into the fediverse.

          And here at kbin our upvotes are not karma. I can see them on my comments but they don’t accumulate anywhere. So it means nothing. (There is some kind of system here where downvotes matter locally and not upvotes but apparently its broken and Ernest will probably fix it one day).

    • 70ms
      1 year ago

      That was always the appeal for me once I found Apollo! Reddit is just a big forum system, that’s all, and Apollo stripped out all of the clutter and brought it back to feeling like just straight discussion forums. It’s an easy switch.

    • @IceSea@lemmy.worldOP
      41 year ago

      yeah, that’s definitely a part. And it kind of feels good to try to help build something… though I’m far from the first bunch of people who started this

      • @ToastyBanana@lemmy.world
        21 year ago

        I agree! Oftentimes on Reddit I thought “I don’t really have anything to add, and this post will be flooded with comments anyway, so mine will probably drown, so why bother?”

        Here I think there’s more of breathing room for everyone, which is nice

    • blackdragoness
      11 year ago

      I’m trying to remember to do the same, I’m so used to saying nothing for fear of being the one post people pick to be the one they downvote to hell for no reason. It’s like I want to interact now but as @magnetosphere put it I have PRSD - Post Reddit Stress Disorder

  • MonsieurHedge
    61 year ago

    I kinda dislike it, honestly. I’m so used to constant withering hostility that the lack of slurs and snide insinuations about my parentage is genuinely kind of uncomfortable.

  • ToKrCZ
    61 year ago

    I really like the speed and overall clean user interface here. I am still learning, but so far I like what I see. Hopefully, we can all grow together into one thriving community!

  • @Nando@lemmy.world
    51 year ago

    I like how different app are growing at same time than the communities, it’s cool to be part of the process.

  • @tunetardis@lemmy.ca
    51 year ago

    When I first arrived here, I felt there wasn’t enough of a community to sustain my interest. But in just the past week or so, I think it’s reached some sort of critical mass where this place now has a pull that keeps me coming back.

    I thought I’d miss reddit more, but while I haven’t cancelled anything over there, I just don’t get on much anymore. I’d rather spend my energy building community here, and I don’t care if there are fewer people to interact with. Even reading a single thoughtful comment is enough to make my day, and that’s starting to happen regularly.

    • minnieo
      11 year ago

      well said. it also just makes me feel better in general contributing to kbin, because i am contributing to its growth and real conversations, and better yet, helping create a home here for other reddit migrants

  • genoxidedev1
    41 year ago

    I personally love how inclusive everyone (at least 99%) here is and I am personally fighting very much to keep it that way. Although I am white and only an ally and thus not part of LGBT myself, even I feel much safer here although I wouldn’t have much to fear on other websites myself.

  • @jellymelon@lemmy.world
    41 year ago

    Honestly just so happy to have a place that’s not diluted by the same tired old jokes being told over and over again, excited to see where this community goes

      51 year ago

      holy shit, that realization just hit me like a brick wall. on reddit it was always low-hanging dead horse meme answers floating to the top, but here people just write down their genuine thoughts without trying to pander to anyone. it’s very refreshing

  • SimplyChad
    41 year ago

    Its been so long since I’ve interacted that I don’t remember how. Hey guys.

  • @Shelena@feddit.nl
    31 year ago

    I agree. I am a very shy person, so, it is not easy for me to comment, even if it is anonymous. I always think that nobody is waiting to hear from me in the enormous stream of other comments that are there as well. At the same time, if by some accident someone actually reads your comment, I feel that if you have a different way of wording or a different opinion, your head will get chopped off.

    Because there are far less comments here, I feel like I can actually contribute something to the discussion. And people seem to be just nicer and more willing to understand each other instead of just repeating the same stuff over and over again. I like it better here!

  • Computerchairgeneral
    31 year ago

    Yeah, mostly just lurked on Reddit, but here I feel a lot more comfortable engaging with the stuff that gets posted. Since the communities are so much smaller it feels like leaving a comment actually means something instead of just getting drowned out in the noise.

    • @Galileo007@lemmy.world
      31 year ago

      This is my first comment on lemmy, and I’m making it because you’re absolutely right. It’s almost habbit at this point to hold back and lurk after years of being used to a huge crowd. Defaulting to reading the disscusion but not adding anything to it. But this reminds me a lot of the way smaller forums and neiche communities feel, where there’s still room to add something to the thread without needing to yell it. Glad to be here and starting to appreciate the differences already

    • mathesonian
      21 year ago

      The same. I haven’t gotten involved in anything but smaller subreddits in years.

    • @Flemmy@lemmy.world
      11 year ago

      I really like how willing people are to read and write essays. I like to lay out my argument, cover likely arguments against it, reread it, maybe edit it down or come back to it later.

      It makes me understand my own position better, and sometimes I realize I’m wrong (or they no good would come from convincing someone I’m right) and I delete it

      On Reddit, people would just skip over it, hell a few people called me out on my response being too long and let me know they didn’t read it… One guy said something like “who even are you, I don’t know you and my gf doesn’t talk to me that much”…it was deeply confusing