I mean, come on guys! I swear if I see one more poop post…

  • FfaerieOxide
    391 year ago

    Can we have one day without talking about poop?

    I bet we could go 3 days. 🤔

  • chris.
    341 year ago

    this is the first post i’ve actually read from this community & i’m already sold lol

  • Arotrios
    281 year ago

    The first rule about poop club is we don’t talk about poop club.

  • Samuel Proulx
    121 year ago

    Who’s got poop.social? Feels like it needs to be running a Lemmy.

    • tate
      41 year ago

      So I guess they’re asking for tomorrow?

  • palordrolap
    91 year ago

    S**t happens, man.

    But slightly more seriously, when you combine anonymity with something that people do on average once a day, but due to social mores they don’t talk about, those social mores become a lot more flexible, I guess.

      • palordrolap
        11 year ago

        The average (perhaps geometrically, even) over all people is, as a statistic I’ve pulled out of a perhaps all too apt a place, about once a day, I reckon. At the extremes, there are those who go multiple times a day and there are those who somehow manage to last a week or more without needing to.

        Extreme cases without diagnosed illnesses really ought to be looking at their diet IMO, but then, I’m no more an MD than I am a statistician.

  • ChanchoManco
    51 year ago

    I mean if we could get 3 days without pooping I guess we can stop taking about it for a day.
    In all seriousness it’ll fade away as all memes does, give it time.

  • Suedeltica
    41 year ago

    There’s been kind of a “last week of school before summer vacation” vibe, which I suspect is related in part to the overall weirdness of this moment as reddit partially collapses and the Fediverse figures out how to absorb the influx of new users and, I dunno, I figure everyone is just feeling kind of impish and punchy.

    Anyway I’m a humorless old person and unfond of scatological humor in general, so I emphatically share your sentiment. I suspect it’ll die down shortly, though. In the meantime I hope the literal shitposters are at least enjoying themselves. Everybody’s gotta blow off steam from time to time.

  • EatALime
    31 year ago

    One of my favorite features about Calckey is the ability to mute words. I think Mastodon allows it, too, and I used to make use of the word filter on Reddit as well. Maybe one day kbin will include it or perhaps it’s hidden somewhere I missed and some helpful person will kindly point the way.

    It’s great for situations like this. I use it to filter out dog posts because I have a traumatic past with them and I know I’ll never convince people to quit putting dogs literally everywhere, but I don’t have to see nearly as many of those posts with a good filter setup.