• dominokoOP
    41 year ago

    I was coughing and sneezing this morning when I took my dog out, didn’t think much of it though. It wasn’t until I saw how yellow the sky was on my morning drive that I checked the air quality.

  • Beefalo
    41 year ago

    Aw man I been out here breathin like some kinda rube

  • prokyonid
    41 year ago

    Cbus is rated purple today. On the edge of Appalachian Ohio where I’m from the air is like smoke from a woodstove chimney - not the worst smell but very unpleasant to breathe.

    • dominokoOP
      31 year ago

      If you have to be outside, wear an n95. Akron was purple yesterday but is down to the red today, still not good. This stuff isn’t good to breathe in.
      I have a funny photo of my husband mowing the lawn yesterday with a respirator on ^^