I’m looking to degoogle my spam-mails
I’ve been using Protonmail for a while now and it’s only gotten better.
Same, I love Proton. They rock.
I started with free Protonmail, upgraded to paid, now I’m a plus member. Fantasitc services.
Check out Posteo!
I will have a look, dunno why you’ve been downvoted
I can only second Posteo. Using their services for years now, I can confirm that Posteo is caring about security, data protection and the environment (using green energy). Also you do not need to provide your mobile-phone number or personal information and you can use standard OTP apps to secure the weblogin when you want to use 2-Factor.
I am using several accounts shared between Thunderbird on Desktop and K-9 on Android.
The only issues I have is, when sending to some US providers that still do not have TLS (“Transportwegesicherung”) implemented. In this case I have to manually deactivate the “TLS-Versand-Garantie”-option in Posteo settings, before the email can be send. Happens twice a year or so.
Maybe the Posteo suggestion gets downvoted, because their mail services indeed cost money (instead of scanning your communication and selling your data). But I find 1€ per account per month a good deal for what you get.
I’ve been a posteo user since 4 years and it has worked perfectly for me, totally recommended
Would recommend mailbox.org or posteo.de.
Tutanota or protonmail
Anything else but G.
Despite of hypes about encryption, most of the email providers are about the same (as long as the provider is reliable and trustworthy enough).
However, make sure to isolate email addresses for different purposes as any of the providers can read your email (unless it’s end to end encryption)
Tutanota is decent.
thank you
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I’ve been using fastmail for a decade