“While attempting to take the man into custody, he did not comply with multiple commands to stop, and he physically resisted when troopers tried to remove him from the car,” a state police statement said.
“Troopers shot the man when he continued to drive in a manner that placed officers in imminent danger,” the statement continued.
Why kill him, though? Why even try to pull him out of the car? Cops have the perp cornered in his car, so why didn’t they let the air out of all four tires, and sit in the squad car eating doughnuts until he gets bored and gives up?
Cops have the perp cornered in his car, so why didn’t they let the air out of all four tires, and sit in the squad car eating doughnuts until he gets bored and gives up?
Because then they wouldn’t get to kill someone and have that amazing post-murder sex.
American cops treat lethal force as the go-to, and wonder why so many people are ACAB…
Defund the police all the way to $0
Nah, we still need police. But literally only a small fraction of what we have now. And a fraction of the budget allotted to them. And a MASSIVE retooling of the hiring process. We need to hire good, empathetic, smart people who want to serve and protect. Not these highschool C student bullies looking for everyone around them to respect their authoritah
Empathetic people would burn out from the exposure to the horrible parts of society. None of them would opt into this.
I think your take on empathy is a bit oversimplified. Most people exhibit qualities of empathy. It’s not just one size one shape.
That’s not how reality works. You NEED police. The problem is that in the USA you don’t have police, you basically have a government funded maffia with thug enforcers.
How about “restructure police”? Much better. You’ll actually end up with a service that serves and protects
We’d be more open to that sort of compromise if it didn’t always end in giving them more money and more latitude in murdering us.
That is not compromising, that is actually fixing the problem. Right now the problems, as I see them, with the US police are:
- there is a police union that will protect even the worst offenders
- Police forces do little to curb racism and or sexism
- police officers recieve little to no training in anything, even in handling their guns, let alone de-escalation handling
- there are many police officers that simply don’t have the skills or intelligence tondo their work properly
- there is a Rambo / cowboy culture
- police squads are flooded with ex-military materials and weapons
None of these problems are insurmountable. Lets looks at each problem, and fix them
That is not comprising, that is fixing the issues
Charge people to be police. They want the extra privilege of qualified immunity? Pay for a limited license to operate as a peace officer.
What if we reframed your weird argument as liability insurace?
So the wealthy can become even more entitled? This comment is braindead.
So if I want to kill somebody, I just have to pay up first?
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All cops are bastards
2 reasons they killed him
- They wanted to
- Qualified immunity
“Troopers shot the man when he continued to drive in a manner that placed officers in imminent danger”
Try to hit cops with your car? Believe it or not, straight to the afterlife.
Claiming “he was gonna run me down” is an excruciatingly common cop lie. I’ll believe it when there’s video that shows it.
“they’re coming right at us” as seen in South Park
Dumber, they first place themselves in the way or hop in their window because for police these are apparently intelligent choices.
Uh, if you have time to aim and shoot you have time to just fucking move? Like, just because you kill the driver doesn’t mean the car doesn’t stop moving.
Didn’t you know? Police roots are very deep.
The video of the woman getting shot. The cop purposefully stood in front of her PARKED car and shot her because he thi ks he can get away with saying “she was going to run me down.” And the scary part is he might be right
That strategy is so commonplace that I suspect it’s part of police training.
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The police are known to lie a lot, and if they have body cams on them, then it’s reasonable to ask for that footage.
Like the footage of the Ohio woman being shot on suspicion of shoplifting in her parked car after the police officer walked in front of her parked car
I literally thought this was the other story about them killing the pregnant woman. What’s it say about the police and society in general that I’m like, oh, a different one from the same thing that happened last week
Ok but is the property okay? Did anyone check on the stuff? I hope no items got hurt.
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“ Tries to run over police officers with a car.”
According to the police, who have plenty of incentive to lie.
So many lies from so many cops, I’ll need to see the video before believing Item #3.
(It’s so common that I had to scroll to the top of the page to remind myself which cops “about to be run over and having to kill someone” we’re talking about.)
I think it’s important that we have the principles and humbleness to feel sorry for every death, even ones that were caused by the person that died.
I think the person who shot the person who died might have caused the death
Cars are lethal weapons, it’s important to remember that.
Why even try to pull him out of the car?
Why not?? if he actually was shoplifting why not take him out of his car?
Troopers shot the man when he continued to drive in a manner that placed officers in imminent danger
Would you not agree with the cops actions if this was true?
Claiming “he was gonna run me down” is an excruciatingly common cop lie, but yes, I’ll believe it when there’s video that shows it.
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So we’re executing people for reckless driving now?
driving towards you, with no intention to stop is attempting to murder you.
Good thing that’s not what we’re talking about then yeah?
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Right except it doesn’t stop the machine, does it? If you kill the driver, they’ll probably not hit the brakes right?
So the cop would still be dead if the car was actually driving towards them, or if the cop could dodge then the excuse for shooting was obviously false.
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You obviously didn’t read the article, or else you’re just a stupid person, but I’m pretty sure the officers “attempting to remove him from the car” would be on foot.
Considering how absolutely careless so many people are on the road, I’d be 100% fine with it. If they’re allowed to put me at risk of death by doing 100 MPH in a 45 MPH zone, why can’t I defend myself from them? If some idiot was running around a store waving a gun, I’d hope he would get shot as well, but because it’s a car all of a sudden it’s sacred ground? No, get the fuck out of here.
You’d change your tune real fast when a cop driving recklessly hits and kills your pet or family. Then you’d be screaming why the cops couldn’t stop the idiot prior.
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Lol you clearly do not live in the US because this is a fantasy
Do you think if they decided it was too dangerous and let him drive off with his stolen items, that he would have turned around and gone back to run them down?
They could have kept themselves and the public safer by tracking him down later and tacking on a few more charges. Thet chose to kill him instead.
They wouldn’t assume that someone they caught for such a stupid crime like shoplifting, would be insane enough to try running them over. It just doesn’t make sense to risk getting charged with attempted murder, over shoplifting.
Funny how you’re happy to admit how outlandish and unlikely the story sounds yet you still trust the police are telling the unembellished truth and were in the right when they killed him.
I am not saying that the cops are telling the truth in my comment, I was saying that if their story is true, then their actions are justified.
I already know that they are most likely lying, but there’s a possibility that this actually happened as they’ve told it.
Your mistake is assuming the police would tell the truth.
It’s dangerous to try and take him out of the car? For everyone?
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Because it’s an easy and all too common lie that police tell. If he really did try to run someone over then I agree all bets are off, but more often they are simply trying to escape. If you run in front of a moving car, that is not the same as the driver trying to run you over.
Also, shooting the driver of a moving car doesn’t stop the car from moving. Might be better to just move. What ever happened to spike strips?
Cops killing someone should be a last resort, not a first choice. Standing in front of a car is a frequent precursor to cops killing the driver, and I’d suggest that shoplifting doesn’t warrant a death stance.
Especially in 2023. “Quick, we have to capture the shoplifter before they get away forever!” “Uh, we have 4k video of them stealing, their plates, and social media. It’ll take like 20 minutes to find them.”
Cops should never intentionally kill someone, even when fired upon the intention should be to subdue and ensure the safety of bystanders, not create a hail of bullets that often kills hostages etc.
If NATO peacekeeping troops can do it on the battlefield you should be able to do it against a single perp in the burbs.
Are you going to DIE for your job?
I’m not going to kill for my job either, especially over some inanimate objects.
But if I did want to kill people, I know exactly what job I’d apply for.
It’s because of the number of times they put themselves in front of said car rather than someone trying to hit them.
the retribution my family suffered
I think it’s really funny that the cops got revenge on you and you still think this
If that was the joke you were going for you should put the last 3 sentences at the beginning of your comment, which will tie back the punch line to the first sentence.
Are you going to DIE for your job? I’m certainly not. Once you start trying to use the car as a weapon, all bets are off. Why is it that this particular group refuses to see cars as a deadly weapon? Police do tons of terrible shit every day, but every time someone tries to run over them it’s “they should have let him go and just taken his tags!” or “They should have just let the air out of his tires!”…
Police are fucking terrible people, I know because I’ve helped a family member put 2 kiddie-diddler cops behind bars and the retribution my family suffered for that was indescribable, but being a police officer is just a JOB.
Like this is a great joke you almost had it.
if “all bets are off” why even have laws? Why can’t I just kill my neighbor and say he was trying to back his car into me?
If all you need is to say that magic phrase, what protects you against someone saying it about you?
Cars are deadly weapons.
And I believe in this post they were probably justified in stopping him from using his car dangerously. But why was he driving like that? Because the cops chased him over SHOPLIFTING
Just get his license plate and let him go home where you can find him. Run the plates and if the car is stolen, then that’s a better reason to go after him
I’ll believe “they were probably justified in stopping him from using his car dangerously” when police release the bodycam footage that shows the perp was actually driving in a manner dangerous to the cops. Until the video, having seen that particular lie debunked many times, my assumption is that it’s the same old, same old lie.