I have used bash, zsh, ksh, and now powershell. I am by no means an expert on UNIX shells. I could get all my work done on any one of these. My main shell is Zsh with some oh-my-zsh plugins because I’m lazy. What can you do in powershell that you can’t do in any other shell? Also, does the shell you use even matter? Sorry if this is a dumb question.

  • Matty_r@programming.dev
    6 days ago

    I got pretty late into the Linux world after having been a Windows admin for years. I got so used to powershell that I still can’t really put together a decent bash script without going over previous scripts or going online for help, but I can still smash out a powershell script easily.

    Use what your most comfortable with, but you’ll need bash at some point if you manage Linux servers.