Unpublished comment: https://old.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1jgjnq2/why_are_we_upset_at_canada_this_is_stupid_says/mj02nwi/
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He’s a Trump supporter,
A lot of them can not resist the information warfare, they bounce all around high as a kite on the action Putin and Trump create. They are entirely clueless about these tactics and just sheep running around chasing the signals. “I used to believe that the systems we have broadly work. I used to think that there was someone waiting with a plan who could solve a problem like Cambridge Analytica. I was wrong. Our system is broken, our laws don’t work, our regulators are weak, our governments don’t understand what’s happening, and our technology is usurping our democracy.” ― Christopher Wylie, Mindf*ck: Cambridge Analytica and the Plot to Break America, 2019