EDIT: local bookstores have it now. They just hadn’t gotten it yet when I was looking for it
I am looking to buy Careless People from within EU. No local bookstores seem to have it (yet) but I would like to get it before it (maybe) gets pulled back. Any suggestions besides Amazon?
I’d rather buy from within the EU as customs fees are crazy. I wonder if Ireland is part of EU? 🤔
Ireland has been a member for over fifty years.
Yes, Kenny’s is safe. But the rest usually include VAT for EU countries, so it should pass customs without issues.
I am pretty sure that (at least here) we pay custom fees for any ockage that enters the country from outside the EU. Even if customers oms are 0 the cost om handling costs 25€
Shops outside of the EU, like AliExpress, can collect VAT under €150, and therefore you won’t have the package go through customs. It’s a deal that the EU has made that allows shops outside of the EU to collect VAT for EU customers. It’s up to the shop to have that agreement though, so not all have it. But most bigger stores do. It’s only above €150 you’ll have to have the package go through, and pay, customs.
I am pretty sure that in Denmark they removed this? There used to be a certain amount that this could go without customs but now (due to wish and Alibaba) any package from outside EU get the custom treatment. I even had to pay for custom handling for a free product
No, that’s a different thing. E.g., below €25 or something. This is a EU thing. It’s a bit complicated to explain though
Interesting. I’ll have to look into it. Thanks!
This is the thing: https://vat-one-stop-shop.ec.europa.eu/index_en “VAT One-Stop Shop”, or IOSS
But this is about VAT not customs? And seems to be for shipping between countries within the EU?
For big bookstores in France you have FNAC and in Spain FNAC and Casa del Libro. I’m sure they’re a dime a dozen in every country.
It would be easier to help if you stated an area you are interested in (Benelux, DACH, Scandinavia, Mediterranean, Baltic…).