I recently stumbled across this on Instagram, wondering if anyone could give some recommendations?
While not quite what you’re looking for, it’s a cute love story that has some spicy scenes. For Whom The Belle Tolls by Jaysea Lynn. It’s based on her series Hell’s Belles on TikTok.
If you’re looking for more of an audio type thing there’s the Quinn app
Ooooh I’d not heard of them thanks
haha, by spicy do you mean romance or erotica (or something else entirely)?
Haha yes I meant romance I’ve edited it now. But if you know of any good erotica I’d probably read it for you know… research purposes 😄
ohhh, have you read any T.J. Alexander books? I haven’t personally read any, but my partner listened to the audiobooks of the Chef’s Kiss series and she enjoyed them 😅
I just had a look at the link, they’re right up my street! Nice one thanks 😊
I have actually. Audible is great for this.
How does audible work exactly? And are there any you’d recommend? Nothing too twisted but I don’t mind daddy or dom.
Audiobooks on audible cost credits. You can acquire credits by spending money to buy them, by spending money on a monthly plan that gives you a certain amount per month, and from free trials and promotions. Credits don’t expire. Once you have exchanged credits for an Audiobook, it’s in your account permanently to listen to anytime. You can listen using the audible app or on the website using a computer.
Nice one thanks
I did the free trial. Free trial gives you one free credit to use (some stories cost money OR you can use the one credit your given instead of buying the story)
Just make sure you cancel the free subscription before the trail period is over.
Id recommend Taken By The Dark Elf. I’m more into the fantasy romance novels as opposed to just ‘regular’ ones.
I just listened to a bit on audible. His voice is a definite yes from me! Good call thanks
Np! Enjoy !