Trump is not really a showman, he’s a shambling corpse with zero charisma who needs to rely on saying the most bold-faced lies to generate any enthusiasm among his voters. All of the hype around him is manufactured.
People basically just support him because he has an R next to his name, because he “tells it like it is(n’t),” and because capitalism has brainwashed people into believing that businessmen should run the world. That, and he was a white man running against a colored woman, which gave him the racism votes that America still has in spades.
He’s practically incoherent though. He can’t deliver clear statements or messages, and his public speaking events are always awkward and small. The debate he participated in was embarrassing. And just on a physical level, he is a gross, unhealthy person with fake hair and a fake tan.
But he has good PR that frames him as charismatic and powerful, he has a lot of high-profile sycophants who fawn over him, and most public interactions he has are staged to make him look good. There is definitely a Trump cult of personality, but it’s not a cult that was created organically by his own charisma.
Trump is not really a showman, he’s a shambling corpse with zero charisma who needs to rely on saying the most bold-faced lies to generate any enthusiasm among his voters. All of the hype around him is manufactured.
People basically just support him because he has an R next to his name, because he “tells it like it is(n’t),” and because capitalism has brainwashed people into believing that businessmen should run the world. That, and he was a white man running against a colored woman, which gave him the racism votes that America still has in spades.
Listen, I hate Trump and his crowd of Nazis but saying he has no charisma is just delusional
He’s practically incoherent though. He can’t deliver clear statements or messages, and his public speaking events are always awkward and small. The debate he participated in was embarrassing. And just on a physical level, he is a gross, unhealthy person with fake hair and a fake tan.
But he has good PR that frames him as charismatic and powerful, he has a lot of high-profile sycophants who fawn over him, and most public interactions he has are staged to make him look good. There is definitely a Trump cult of personality, but it’s not a cult that was created organically by his own charisma.
His followers like that. They’re also practically incoherent.