It’s true. I read it on Facebook
100% true
I still find it amazing that everyone heard that story before the internet had really taken off for most people.
I have a theory on this.
Drug dealers.
With the stuff traveling across the country and the amount of wild shit that comes out of your mouth when you’re high, I can imagine it spreading around due to pot distribution
Excellent theory
He would need to have all his ribs removed to get to that toothpick.
Misshapen gumdrop is what I’ve heard
ewwwww! Let’s hope we never find out.
Classic, using the same methods they used against dark metal music in the 90s!
Isn’t it wild that was the craziest shit we could come up with back then? Or that Britney swallowed so much cum she had to get her stomach pumped?
I heard that was Gwen Stefani
I heard it was Rod Stewart. There was no internet back then.
I think i have heard this same story about 4 or 5 different people throughout my lifetime.
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