Hi, Im thinking about moving from gmail elsewhere but Im wondering if I should use my own domain for it, I dont have the domain yet but how to deal with whois lookup privacy? (Im EU based) are there any other issues I may run into if I chose my own domain over opening a account on posteo.de or mailbox.org with their domain. I know owning my domain will give me freedom to move my email elsewhere if I would want but I dont know if its worth it.
The two downsides of a custom domain are:
Only as private as the least private use of the domain. No crowd to mix with.
Delivery through SPAM filters of other providers more troublesome. Delivery to AOL/Yahoo, and one of the AT&T managed mail domains has been the biggest issues for me. GMail delivery seems fine.
Do get a common mainstream suffix not the cheapest. Some filters may tend to filter some TLDs.
Edit: By the way, I have my own domain and the email for it is hosted at a hosting provider. I recommend it but the above are the downsides.
Most spam trap issues i’ve found are due to DMARC, which is easy to resolve with an spf in your ns records